" Shear Tab " connection design locks

A single-plate shear connection can be designed per " Shear Tab " locks for the gusset-to-column interface in a vertical brace-to-beam-&-column framing situation when the beam-to-column connection is a shear plate. The shear plate shop welds to the column and field bolts to the gusset plate, which shop attaches to the beam. On the beam, the shear plates may be set to " Combine... " (not shown). Combined shear plates have only " Vertical to 1st hole " and " Rows " options -- all other options are controlled by connection design locks that are associated with the beam.

(vertical brace, shear plate gusset-to-column connection, to a beam & column)
(vertical brace " Section size " = any valid shape)
(" Input connection type " = ' Vbrc Plate ' or ' User defined ')
(if the beam has a shear plate, the gusset field bolts to the column with a shear plate)

" Shear Tab "
(one column of bolts)

" Shear Tab "
(two columns of bolts)

Related locks,
vertical brace to
beam & column:

Gusset Beam Column Square (angle, tee or channel vertical brace)
Gusset Beam Column (HSS, pipe or tube vertical brace)
Gusset Beam Column (stem-vertical tee vertical brace)
Gusset Beam Column (wide flange vertical brace, standard)
Gusset Beam Column (wide flange vertical brace, paddle)
Gusset Beam Column (wide flange vertical brace, claw angles)

user defined | vertical brace review

Connection design locks :

Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ). For combined shear plates, " Work point ... " and " Rows... " are the only locks shown.

  Shear Tab
(vertical brace to beam & column)

Shear plate

Top of plate ( to top ):

Plate length ( length ):

Plate width ( width ):

Plate thickness ( not depicted ):


Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

Hole type ( not depicted ):


Vertical to 1st hole ( to 1st hole ):

Vertical hole spacing ( vert spacing ):

Vertical edge distance ( vert edge ):


Horizontal to 1st hole ( horz to 1st ):

Horizontal hole spacing ( horz spacing ):

Horizontal edge distance ( horz edge ):


Primary weld type:

Primary weld size ( weld ):

Secondary weld type:

Secondary weld size ( weld ):

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