Export GTP Information from Model ( Modeling )

Tool summary :

  • Transfers critical layout point data for concrete and steel support systems for concrete to GTP software, which is developed by a company named Get The Point, LLC.
  • These points are referred to as Total Station points ( TSPs ) and are used in the field by Total Station robots.
  • GTP Export can get TSPs for Anchor Rod and Embed Plate custom members. It also finds TSPs for base plates on columns.
  • GTP Export can be launched by clicking an icon, by keyboard shortcut, or via the context menu. You can find it in the group called ' Model -- Parametric ' (lightning or classic).
GTP Export

model -- parametric command group

   Step-by-step instructions :

1 . In a plan view in Modeling that shows the grid line intersections you want to locate in step 1c, click the GTP Export icon to open the GTP Export window, which is represented below.

1a . By default the TSPs are output to a .csv file (csv = comma separated value) in the output folder used by your current version of the SDS2 Detailing . You can, if you so choose, manually type in a different destination, or press the "file cabinet" browse button ( ) to change the destination.

1b . Check the box for " Metric output " if you want the TSP coordinates in the .csv file to be output in mm.

1c . Press the " Change " button and locate two points in the model. Use INCL to locate two points at different grid intersections. These points are used for model orientation purposes within the GTP software that imports the .csv file.

1d . Press the " OK " button to output the .csv file.

2 . GTP Export will report the total number of members that have Total Station points (TSPs) exported to the .csv file. Also reported will be the number of members skipped; that is, the number of members for which TSPs were not exported.

2c . Press the "OK" button. You are done. You will find the .csv file at the location specified in step 1a.

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