" Shear Tee " connection design locks

A W tee shear connection is designed per " Shear Tee " locks. " Outstanding Legs " hole spacing locks appear only for ' Bolted ' tee shear connections. The OSL hole spacing locks are not available for ' Welded ' tee shear connections.

(beam-to-beam or beam-to-column, shear tee)
(" Input connection type " = ' Shear ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ')
(appropriate W tee material must be listed on the Preferred WT Sizes setup window)
(" Material type " = ' W tee ')
(" Attachment " = ' Bolted ' or 'W elded ')
" Shear Tee "
(" Attachment " = ' Bolted ' to supporting

" Shear Tee "
(" Attachment " = ' Welded ' to supporting)

Related locks :
Shear Tab (plate)
Tab Clips and Copes
Stability Plate (to column web)
Shear Thru Plate On [mem num] [end]
Shear Tab (vertical brace)

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Connection design locks :

Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ). The locks that you get under the " Outstanding Legs " heading depend on whether the W tee shear connection is ' Bolted ' or ' Welded ' to the supporting beam or column.

  Shear Tee

W Tee


Top of tee ( top ):

Tee length ( length ):

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):


Hole type ( not depicted ):

Rows ( rows web ):

Columns ( columns web ):

Vertical to 1st hole ( vert to 1st ):

Vertical hole spacing ( vert spacing ):

Horizontal to 1st hole ( 1st ):

Horizontal hole spacing ( hspc ):

Outstanding Legs

(a lock for " Weld size " is shown when the tee is ' Welded ')

Weld size ( weld ):

(locks for holes and hole spacing are shown when the tee is ' Bolted ')

Hole type:

Rows ( rows OSL ):

Columns ( columns OSL ):

Vertical to 1st hole ( OSL vert to 1st ):

Vertical hole spacing ( OSL vert spacing ):

Horizontal to 1st hole NS ( NS 1st ):

Horizontal to 1st hole FS ( FS 1st ):

Horizontal hole spacing OSL ( OSL hspc ):

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