Xxx Add commands in the Drawing Editor (topic)

Xxx Add commands are object specific. Xxx stands for the name of the object. In the Drawing Editor , the Xxx Add commands are:

Arc Add (xxx = arc )
Arc Add Center, Start, End
Arc Add Center, Start, Angle
Arc Add Continuous
Arc Add 3 Point
Ellipse Arc Add

Angle Dimension Add (xxx = angle dimension )
Bevel Add (xxx = bevel )
Bolt Add (xxx = bolt )
Bolt Sym Add (xxx = bolt sym )
Bolt Sym Combo
Cloud Add (xxx = cloud )
Construction Line Add (xxx = construction line )
Construction Line Add Material

Circle Add Radius (xxx = circle )
Circle Add Diameter
Circle Add 2 Point
Circle Add Tan Tan Radius
Ellipse Add Center
Ellipse Add Axis End
Circle Offset

Con Circ Add Radius (xxx = construction circle )
Construction Circle Add Diameter
Construction Circle Add 2 Point
Construction Circle Add Tan Tan Radius
Construction Ellipse Add Center
Construction Circle Add Ellipse Axis End
Dimension Add Arc (xxx = arc dimension )
Dimension Add (xxx = dimension )
Dimension Add Actual
Dimension Add Horizontal
Dimension Add Vertical
Add Extension Dimension
Add Drag Off Dimension

Hatch Add Define Polygon (xxx = hatch )
Hole Add (xxx = hole )
Hole Sym Add (xxx = hole sym )
Hole Sym Combo
Image Add (xxx = image)
Label Add (xxx = label )
Label Combo
Line Add (xxx = line )

Pointer Add (xxx = pointer )
Layer Add (xxx = layers)
Symbol Add (xxx = symbol )
Weld Add (xxx = weld symbol )
Weld Combo
Workpoint Add (xxx = workpoint )

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