The Model Summary window

The Model Summary window tells you how many of a particular item has been used in either your current Job or in your current erection view. Counts of construction lines/circles and grid lines are for your current erection view. Member counts are for your current Job.

Erection view: read-only . This tells you the file name of your current erection view.

Scale: read-only . This tells you the " Display scale " at which an erection view drawing of your current view will be regenerated when the user of a full-featured SDS2 program Details Erection Views for the first time.

  Object   Allocated Used   Available  
This is the type of item (grid line, member, etc.). Numbers reported automatically update as you add items (except for " Total members .") How many of a particular " Object " exists in your current erection view or in your current Job.  The number " Allocated " minus the number " Used " for a particular " Object ."

Total deleted members: The number (count) of members that have been deleted (in a full-featured SDS2 program ). Users of such a program have the ability to undelete members that have been deleted.

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