Ways to Create System , Forced , Graphical and Custom Connections (topic)

System connections:

Most of the " Input connection type " connections that are applied on the Beam , Column , Horizontal Brace , Vertical Brace or Joist window are system connections .

Auto standard connections are system connections for beams, columns and joists that have been applied based on framing conditions.

" Moment " connections can be applied, in a full-featured SDS2 program, on the Beam window.

User defined connections are system connections that can be defined in setup or saved from member windows.

Also see: Failed connections are system connections that failed the limit-state strength capacity testing that takes place during connection design .

System connections that have been modified:

Forced connection are system connections that have been forced because they failed.

Graphical connections are system connections that have been modified, probably because above-listed methods didn't work.

Not system connections:

Add Material or Run Parametric or Add Assembly are ways that users of a full-featured SDS2 program can add material to a member's end, thus creating or modifying a connection.

Custom components and custom members also provide ways of creating member end connections. The connection thus created is not a system connection .

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