" Column Plate Welds " connection design locks

Locks in " Column Plate Welds " do not affect base/cap plate piecemarks. They do affect column piecemarks. " Weld length is greater than maximum permissible on face " is a potential end connection failure message.

VIDEO .Connection design locks in a leaf named " Column Plate Welds " give users in a full-featured SDS2 program control over welds on a column plate. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.)

(auto or user base/cap plate on a column)
(" Input connection type " = ' User base/cap plate ' or ' Auto base cap plate ')
(" Section size " = any valid shape)
" Column Plate Welds "

" Section size " = wide flange, welded plate wide flange, S shape.

  A = " Face A "
  Aif = " Inner (FS) Face A "
  B = " Face B "
  Cif = " Inner (FS) Face C "
 C = " Face C "
  Cin = " Inner (NS) Face C "
 D = " Face D "
  Ain = " Inner (NS) Face A "

" Section size " = welded plate box.

 A = " Face A "
  Aif = " Inner (FS) Face A "
 B = " Face B "
  Cif = " Inner (FS) Face C "
 C = " Face C "
  Bin = " Inner (NS) Face C "
 D = " Face D "
  Ain = " Inner (NS) Face A "

" Section size " = HSS rectangular or tube.

 A = " Face A "
 B = " Face B "
 C = " Face C "
 D = " Face D "

" Section size " = HSS round or pipe. HSS rectangular and tube can also be set to weld all around.

 O = " All around "

Related settings :
Flange welds , Web welds , etc. (" Connections specifications ," user base/cap plate)
Weld pattern (" Connections specifications ," auto base/cap plate)
Maximum weld size for non-strength connections ( Weld Design Settings , Home > Project Settings > Job )

Related locks :

Column Plate (user - to a beam)
Column Plate (user base/cap)
Column Plate (auto base/cap)

user defined | column review | top

Connection design locks :

  Column Plate Welds

Location: Face A. . In the wide flange and welded plate box examples , this face is marked A and is the section's left flange. In the HSS rectangular example , this face is also marked A and is its left wall.

Weld type :

Weld size :

Maximum weld length :

Location: Inner (FS) Face A. In the wide flange and welded plate box examples , this face is marked Aif and is the interior of the left flange, far side to the web. The program provides no option to weld the interior walls of an HSS rectangular or HSS round section or welded plate box section.

Weld type :

Weld size :

Maximum weld length :

Location: Face B. In the wide flange and welded plate box examples , this face is marked B and is web near side. In the HSS rectangular example , this face is the section's near side wall and is marked B .

Weld type :

Weld size :

Maximum weld length :

Location: Inner (FS) Face C. In the wide flange and welded plate box examples , this face is marked Cif and is the inside of the section's right flange, far side to the web. The program provides no option to weld the interior walls of an HSS rectangular or HSS round section or welded plate box section.

Weld type :

Weld size :

Maximum weld length :

Location: Face C. In the wide flange example , this face is marked C and is the section's right flange. In the HSS rectangular example , this face is marked C and is its right wall.

Weld type :

Weld size :

Maximum weld length :

Location Inner (NS) Face C. In the wide flange and welded plate box examples , this face is marked Cin and is the inside of the section's right flange, near side to the web. The program provides no option to weld the interior walls of an HSS rectangular or HSS round section or welded plate box section.

Weld type :

Weld size :

Maximum weld length :

Location: Face D. In the wide flange and welded plate box examples , this face is marked D and is the far side of the web. In the HSS rectangular example , this face is marked D and is the far side wall.

Weld type :

Weld size :

Maximum weld length :

Location: Inner (NS) Face A. The inside of Face A, near side to the web. In the wide flange and welded plate box examples , this face is marked Ain . The program provides no option to weld the interior walls of an HSS rectangular or HSS round section or welded plate box section.

Weld type :

Weld size :

Maximum weld length :

Location: All around. To get this location when the column " Section size " is an HSS rectangular (tube) and the connection is an auto base/cap plate, set " Weld pattern " to ' All around '. This location is the only location that is ever available when the column is an HSS round (pipe).

Weld type : The weld type is always ' Fillet '.

Weld size :

------ Common Settings ------

Weld type: None or Single Fillet or Single Bevel Groove .

symbol name   weld used for ...
 fillet General welding of material.
 bevel groove General full penetration welding of material.
  square groove
Butt joints.

In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .

' None ' removes the weld from the face.

' Single Fillet ' is available for all faces. Choosing ' Single Fillet ' for a particular face will cause the appropriate weld symbol to be drawn on the member detail.

' Single Bevel Groove ' is an option for most faces. However, it is not available for the near side web (" Location: Face B ") or far side web (" Location: Face D ") of a wide flange, S shape, welded plate wide flange, etc.

Weld size: The weld size for shop welding the column plate to the column. .

Maximum weld length: The minimum length of weld allowed to be generated for a particular face.

" Maximum weld length " equals the " Face B " permissible length.
" Maximum weld length " is less than the " Face B " permissible length.
The welds in these examples are magenta . The permissible length of a face is the distance from edge to edge, or, for a web, from k distance to k distance or, for the interior of a flange, from edge to k1 distance. Connection design centers a weld's length at the center of the face's permissible length. If the weld length is less than the permissible length of the face, the weld is centered with each of its ends set back equally.

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