Construction Line Edit All ( Modeling & Drawing Editor )

Tool summary :

  • Lets you change the color and other attributes of all construction lines that are in your current view ( Modeling ) or on shown comment layers ( Drawing Editor ).

    display color of the selected construction line(s).
  • In multi-user Modeling environments, any construction lines that are in your current erection view can be seen by you only, and therefore any changes you make to them will be seen by you alone. In addition to the ability to change the color of construction lines, you can make them " Finite " or " Finite. " When " Finite line " is checked, each construction line terminates at the two points used to add it. Construction lines added by locating a point then specifying an angle ( ANGL ) are always infinite and cannot be changed to finite.
  • The Drawing Editor does not support finite construction lines, but you can use this tool to move all construction lines that are on visible comment layers in your current drawing to a single comment layer of your choice.

    Drawing Editor only
    drawing layer the construction lines are drawn on.
  • Construction lines on drawings are not plotted when those drawings are printed.
  • Since there are some fundamental differences between construction lines in a 2D and 3D environment, the options shown on the Construction Line Edit window depend on whether you are in the Drawing Editor or Modeling .

The Construction Line Edit window :

Clicking a link takes you to the Construction Line Edit window help page.

To open this window using Construction Line Edit All :

Method 1 : Click the Construction Line Edit All icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Model -- Construction Lines ' ( Modeling ) or ' Objects -- Construction Lines ' ( Drawing Editor ) and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 2 : If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Model > Construction Lines > Edit All . When " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', choose Objects > Construction Lines > Edit All .

Method 3, 4 or 5 : Construction Line Edit All can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface .

Method 5 : While Construction Line Mode mouse bindings are active, hold down the Ctrl key and left-click ( Edit All ).

Also see :

page 1 | contents | modeling con lines | model > (3d) | objects > (2d) | top