Construction Line Add Finite ( Modeling > press a f )

Tool summary :

  • Adds a finite construction line whose ends are the points that you locate.

  • Finite construction lines are available in Modeling only. Any construction lines -- finite or infinite -- that you add in Modeling will be visible only in your workstation.
  • For you to be able to see the results of adding a finite construction line, the display of " Construction lines/circles " needs to be on.
  • See to add a finite construction line .

Also see :

  • Modeling (where Construction Line Add Finite is a tool)
  • Construction Line Add (to add a construction line that does not end)
  • Default color ( User and Site Options > General > sets color of newly added construction lines)
  • BSCL (creates a finite construction line when a finite construction line is based off of)

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   Step-by step instructions for adding a finite construction line

You must be in Modeling to use the Construction Line Add Finite tool. For you to be able to see the results of the operation, the display of " Construction lines/circles " needs to be on.

1 . Invoke Construction Line Add Finite using any one (1) of the following methods:

Method 1 : Click the Add Finite Construciton Line icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Model -- Construction Lines ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 2 : If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Model > Construction Lines > Add Finite .

Method 3, 4 or 5 : Construction Line Add Finite can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface . The default keyboard shortcut a f stands for "add finite."

Method 6 : With Construction Line Mode mouse bindings active, middle-click ( Add Finite ) while holding down the Shift key.

2 . Place your mouse pointer ( ) so that the target ( ) snaps to the first end point of the construction line, then left-click ( Locate ).


Tip: Auto , INCL , INRL , EXPT , FRPT , VTPT , DXDY , MDPT , CNTR and ONLN can be used to locate points; ANGL , BSCL , BSMB and BSRL cannot.

3 . Move the mouse pointer ( ) so the target ( ) snaps to the second end point of the construction line, then left-click ( Locate ).


Tip: In addition to point locators that are available to be used to locate a first point, you can use options such as TANC and POLAR to locate a second point.

Warning : Using a Locate option that does not locate points -- for example, ANGL or PERP -- results in an infinite construction line.

4 . A construction line that terminates in the points you located in steps 2 and 3 will be drawn on screen. Do one of the following:


Alternative 1 : Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add another finite construction line.

Alternative 2 : Right-click ( Return ) if you are done.

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