Extension Dimension Type

Tool summary :

  • Sets to-be-added extension dimension to be drawn with or without tails.
  • If you open a different drawing file or exit your current drawing and return, the next extension dimensions you add are drawn per Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Dimension Settings > " Show extension dimension tail " under the " Beams " tab, " Columns " tab, " Braces " tab or " Miscellaneous " tab. For other types of drawings, the default is ' Tails not shown '.
  • Extension Dimension Type is available when " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic '.
  • See the step-by-step instructions .

Also see :

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   Step-by-step instructions :

1 . In the Drawing Editor , invoke Extension Dimension Type using any one of the following methods:

Method 1 : Choose Objects > Edit > Extension Dimension Type .

Method 2 : On your toolbar, click the icon pictured above.

Method 3 : Use a keyboard shortcut .

2 . The Extension Dimension Type Selection window opens.

Show tails: or . The note at the bottom of this page explains how the defaults for " Show tails " are set.

If the box is checked ( ), the next extension dimension(s) that you add to your current drawing will have tails.

If this box is not checked ( ), the next extension dimension(s) that you add to your current drawing will not have tails.

Alternative 1 : Press the " OK " button to continue to step 3.

Alternative 2 : Press the " Cancel " button to end the Extension Dimension Type operation and keep everything as it was before step 1.

3 . Any extension dimensions that you now add to your current drawing are drawn with or without tails per the choice you made in step 2.

Note: If you open a different drawing file or exit your current drawing and return, the next extension dimensions you add will be drawn per Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > " Show extension dimension tail " under the " Beams " tab, " Columns " tab, " Braces " tab or " Miscellaneous " tab. For other types of drawings, " Show tails " is, by default, not checked.

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