Print Fabricator Settings ( Fabricator Settings )

About this report :

Also see :

  • Reports ( User and Site Options > Output > " Reports " > set where report is output)
  • Report viewer (a good way to output a report)

page 1 | contents | home > project settings > fabricator > | classic | top

Example :

Shown below is a sample page from a Fabricator Settings Report . " dld " is the name of the Fabricator that was current when this report was generated.

contents | setup | fabricator options | top

Uses for this type of report :

  • The Fabricator Settings Report shows you all of the settings that have been applied in your current fabricator . Different Fabricators generate different Fabricator Settings Reports . The same Fabricator generates different Fabricator Settings Reports if changes are made to Home > Project Settings > ... between the times that the reports are generated.
  • If you are having problems with consistency in details, the cause may be that Fabricator settings have been changed. Comparing current Fabricator settings to a previously generated Fabricator Settings Report can help you to determine exactly which options have been changed.
  • It's a good idea to Print Fabricator Settings as soon as you are certain that they are exactly what you want them to be. When troubleshooting at a later date, you can check the orignal Fabricator Settings Report against a current version of the report to make sure that nothing has changed.
  • Do you have a Fabricator you want to copy into future Jobs? Print out a Fabricator Settings Report for reference. You may want to refer to the report when you actually use that Fabricator or when you use the utility Copy Project Items to copy Fabricator settings to your current Fabricator .

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