Global Symbols: Copy to Job

Start up the Drawing Editor and, on the drawing selection dialog, select '   Global symbols ' to get a list of global symbols that you can copy. You cannot use global symbols in your current Job . You need to first copy them as job symbols. In other words, you need to first use this utility, then you can use Symbol Add to place the symbol you have copied.

About this utility :

Also see :

contents | home > utilities > utility functions > copy global symbols to job symbols

Step-by-step instructions :

Global symbols are saved in the data directory used by the current version of the program used to start this utility. Job symbols can be added to a drawing in your current Job by using Symbol Add . However, Symbol Add cannot be used to add a global symbol. So, in order to get a copy of a global symbol into your current Job, you need to use this utility. The number or names of global symbols currently maintained in the data directory used by the current version of this program does not change as a result of your using this utility.

1 . Start Global Symbols: Copy to Job using the following method:

Method 1 : Home > Utilities > Utility Functions . Then, on the Utility Functions menu, click " Job Symbols: Copy to Global ."

2 . A selection dialog opens. On it is a list of the symbols in your current Job .


Note: If there are no symbols in your current Job, you will be notified of such, and this operation will end without the selection dialog being opened.

Alternative 1 : Select the names of the symbols that you want to be copied as global symbols, then press the " OK " button at the bottom of this selection dialog. Go to step 3.

Alternative 2 : Press the " Cancel " button to end the Global Symbols: Copy to Job operation. Do not continue.

3 . The global symbols selected in step 2 continue to exist in the repository for such symbols and copies of those symbols are now job symbols , which you can add to drawings in your current Job by using Symbol Add .

Tip: Use the Project Items List utility to confirm that this change has indeed taken place.

contents | home > utilities > utility functions > copy global symbols to job symbols | top