" Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle " connection design locks

HSS horizontal braces with paddle plates field bolt to an intersection plate per " Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle " locks when " Pipe/tube end-fitting " is set to ' Paddle Plate '. The " Length " of the paddle plate runs parallel with the brace. The paddle-to-brace connection " Weld length " controls the length of the notch in the brace. Locks for spacers are available for double paddle plates.

" Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle "

user defined | horizontal brace review

Connection design locks :

Locks not on the drawings are marked ( not depicted ).

  Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle

Paddle plate



Plate thickness ( not depicted ):


Refy ( not depicted ):

Paddle to brace connection ( shop welded )

Weld size ( not depicted ):

Weld length ( not depicted ):

Paddle to intersection plate connection ( field bolted )

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

Hole type ( not depicted ):


Distance to 1st hole along brace ( to 1st hole ):

Hole spacing along brace ( rsp ):

Edge distance along brace ( not depicted ):

Other edge distance along brace ( not depicted ):

Columns ( cols ):

Distance to 1st hole perpendicular to brace ( not depicted ):

Hole spacing perpendicular to brace ( csp ):

Horizontal edge distance ( not depicted ):

user defined | horizontal brace review | top

Spacers ( for double paddle plates ):

Connection design locks for paddle plate spacers are shown in the " Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle " leaf only if the horizontal brace's " Pipe/tube end-fitting " is set to ' Double Paddle Plate '.

Length ( len ):


Plate thickness ( thck ):


Weld size ( weld ):

Number of spacers ( num ):

Spacer spacing ( spacing ):

user defined | horizontal brace review | top