The Member Revisions setup window ( Job Settings ) (read-only)

This window shows the choices made in a full-featured SDS2 program .

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To open Member Revisions :

Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Job > Modeling > Member Revisions .

Methods 2, 3 & 4 : In Modeling or the Drawing Editor , choose Settings > Job Settings > Member Revisions (classic), or use a keyboard shortcut , or click the icon.

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Columns on the Member Revisions table :

Line: The line number that a member revision description appears on. This is the order in which the " Short Revision Description " is listed on the list box menu ( ) for " Short revision description " in Member Status Review . This line number is also the number you need to enter to Model > Status Display > General status options > Revision in order to color code the display of members which have been assigned that particular revision. Line 0 is the member revision that is assigned to members by default.

Short Revision Description: A text string of up to 32 characters. This short description is listed on the list box menu ( ) for " Short revision description " in Member Status Review . This description may appear on the revision chart in the "DESCRIPTION" column.

Long Revision Description: A text string of up to 255 characters. This long description can be found in the " History " associated with the " Short revision description ." It is also printed in the revision history that is output for each selected member in a Member Revisions Report by Member .

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