" Top Moment Plate " & " Bottom Moment Plate " connection design locks

Bolted moment flange plates can be designed for a beam to a column web (shown) or flange (not shown) per " Top Moment Plate " and " Bottom Moment Plate " locks. " Columns of bolts " run parallel with the workline of the beam.

(W beam to W column web or flange, bolted moment flange plate connection)
(" Input connection type " = ' Shear ' or ' Clip angle ' or ' Bent plate ' or ' User defined ')
(" Moment type " = ' Bolted ')
" Top Moment Plate " / " Bottom Moment Plate "

Availabliity : The settings for " Transverse weld " and " Parallel weld " and " Corner clip/cope " are available as " Top/Bottom Moment Plate " locks for a wide flange beam framing to a wide flange column's web. Those settings are not available when a wide flange beam frames to a wide flange column's flange.

Related locks :
Column Flange Stiffeners
Column Web Doublers
Shear Tab
Bent Plate or NS/FS Clip

Other locks
(welded) Top/Bottom Moment Plate
Moment End Plate
Top/Bottom Moment Angle
(splice) Moment Flange Plate

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Connection design locks :

Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).

  Top Moment Plate  Bottom Moment Plate

Bolted moment flange plate

Plate length ( length ):

Plate width ( width ):

Plate thickness ( not depicted ):

Corner clip/cope ( clip/cope ):

Taper length:

Taper width:

Flange bolts

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

Hole type ( not depicted ):


Horizontal to 1st hole ( to 1st ):

Horizontal hole spacing ( rowsp ):


Vertical to 1st hole ( gage/2 ):

Vertical hole spacing ( colsp ):


(beam to column flange)

Weld size ( not depicted ):

(beam to column web)

Transverse weld ( transweld ):

Parallel weld ( parallweld ):

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