Cold formed Z material

Shape file specifications for cold formed Zs :

d = depth
t = thickness

wa = web angle
r = radius of bend
wg3 = row 2 to 3
wg2 = row 1 to 2
wg1 = bttm to row 1

bfw = bttm flange width
bla = bttm lip angle
bll = bttm lip length
blra = bttm lip return angle
blrl = bttm lip return length
bg = bttm flange gage

tfw = top flange width
tla = top lip angle
tll = top lip length
tlra = top lip return angle
top = b lip return length
tg = top flange gage

Angles are measured in degrees. The angles wa , bla & tla are measured from vertical beginning with 0 (zero). The angle tlra is measured from a parallel to tla beginning with 0 (zero). The angle blra is measured from a parallel to bla beginning with 0 (zero).

Other shape file specifications: " Nominal Depth ," " Weight per Unit " (lbs/ft or kg/m).

Additional settings that are not in the local shape file are defined on the Rolled Section Material window. In an SDS2 review station , these additional settings, as well as the shape file specifications, are read-only.

Submaterial piece marking: The default submaterial mark prefix for cold formed Z material, is cfz .

Cold formed Z naming convention: Z+nominal depth+steel gage . For example, Z1014 . A cold formed Z section can be added to a shape file (in a full-featured SDS2 program , not in an SDS2 review station ) using a entirely different naming convention.

In Modeling and the Drawing Editor : A cold formed Z section must exist in the local shape file before the user of a full-featured SDS2 program can enter it to " Section size " fields on member and material windows in Modeling , or before its weight will be automatically calculated when the user adds it to the " Description " field in the bill editor.

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Reviewing cold formed Z sections in the model :

Users of a full-featured SDS2 program can add cold formed Z material to the model as a miscellaneous member or a submaterial. You cannot add or remove materials from the model in an SDS2 review station .

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