Open View ( Modeling > press Ctrl + o )

Tool summary :

  • Lists all views in the model. Select the view that you want to open.
  • A direct alternative to Open View is to, in the model with the selection filter set to ' Default ' or ' Legacy Default ' or ' All ', double-click the name of a straight grid line associated with a view. Doing so will open that view (grid X in the above example).

    Double-clicking a grid bubble is an alternative way to open a view.
  • When you change to a different view, you change the orientation with which you view the model.

    global axes
    plan view isometric elevation views
    An axes box can be placed on your toolbar to show the orientation of global axes as you go from view to view.
  • See the step-by-step instructions .

Also see :

VIDEO Double-clicking straight grid lines opens the erection views associated with them. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2015.)

YouTube video: Double-click a grid line bubble to open the erection view that is associated with that grid line . (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2020i)

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   Step-by-step instructions :

Open View in Modeling closes your current view and lets you reopen the saved version of that view or any other erection view that the user of a full-featured SDS2 program has created.

1 . While you are in Modeling , invoke Open View using any one (1) of the following methods:

Method 1 : Click the Open View icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be taken from the group named ' File ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 2 : If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose File > Open View .

Method 3, 4 or 5 : Open View can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface . The default keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + o .

2 . The Select One Erection View dialog opens. On it is a list of all erection views that have been created. The name of your current view (the view that was open in step 1) is selected by default.

 AB Plan

Alternative 1:

Manually select a view or type characters to " Find " to select the first view for which there is a match to the typed characters.

Press the Enter key or the " OK ' button to close this dialog and open the selected view.

Go to step 3.

Alternative 2 : Double-click the view that you want to open. Go to step 3.

Alternative 3 : Press " Cancel " to keep everything as it was before step 1. Do not continue.

3 . The selection dialog closes, and your computer screen redraws to show the view that you selected in step 2. That view is now your current view.

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