Erection Sheets

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Purpose of erection sheets :

Erection sheets are used to placeerection view drawings on. Or they may be used to place job standard details of erection view details on.

Erection view details must be placed on erection sheets before they can be plotted . They cannot be printed unless they have been placed onto sheets.

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Developing an erection sheet outline :

Because erection sheets are distinct from other kinds of sheets, you will probably want to develop an unique sheet outline for use as a template for your erection sheets. You should assign this sheet outline a name that will allow you to easily identify it as a sheet outline for erection sheets. For instance, you may want logos and a border on your erection sheet outline, but not a bill of material.

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Using Sheet Item Add to add a drawing :

Before erection view details can be printed, they must be placed onto erection view sheets.

Shown below is an erection view detail that has been placed directly onto an erection sheet using Sheet Item Add in a full-featured SDS2 program .

When you review an erection sheet, you may find that it has an erection view detail placed on it.

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Erection sheets with standard details of erection views :

An alternative way to add erection view drawings to erection sheets is to add them as job standard details.

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