Gather Sheets

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Purpose of gather sheets :

Gather sheets are used to place submaterial details on. Submaterial drawings must be placed onto gather sheets before they can be plotted .

The sheet outline for a gather sheet will typically not include a bill of material.

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To create a gather sheet :

1 . Begin this operation in any type of Drawing Editor drawing.

1a : Choose File > Open.

2 . A drawing selection dialog opens.

2a : On the lower, right part of this selection dialog, select the radio button for " Gather Sheets ."

2b : Press the " New " button.

3 . The Drawing Name window opens.

3a : To " Drawing Name ," type in the name (up to 61 characters) you want to give the gather sheet.

3b : Press the " OK " button.

4 . A selection dialog will appear on screen with a listing of all sheet outlines in your current Job .

4a : Double-click the sheet outline that you want to use as the template for your new gather sheet. ( Alternative: Select the desired sheet outline, then press " OK ").

Note: Bill of material information is not automatically compiled for submaterials in a full-featured SDS2 program . For submaterials, you will probably want to use a sheet outline that does not have a bill of material on it.

5 . Your new gather sheet is now your current drawing.

5a (optional) : At this point you will probably want to add graphics to the sheet using tools such as Add Standard Detail .

5b : Choose File > Save (or choose File > Open and save your changes) to cause the gather sheet file to be written to disk.

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How submaterial details are placed onto gather sheets :

You cannot place submaterial details onto sheets in an SDS2 review station . This can only be done in a full-featured SDS2 program . You can, however, add drawings to sheets using functions such as Add Standard Detail .

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Step-by-step review of gather sheets :

1 . Begin the review process while in any Drawing Editor drawing.

1a : Choose File > Open .

1b ( if your current drawing has changed ): Optionally enter a " Detail complete date " and press " Yes " to save changes made to your current drawing, or press " No " to not save your revisions to that drawing.

2 . A drawing selection dialog opens.

2a : Select the radio button for " Gather Sheets " to cause the names of gather sheets to be listed in the selection window.

2b : Double-click the name of the gather sheet you want to review.

3 . The gather sheet will be shown on screen. The submaterials on the sheet will appear as rectangles that show the relative size of the drawing. Each submaterial can be identified by its submaterial piecemark .

3a (optional) : Use Navigate tools to look at parts of the gather sheet in greater detail.

3b (optional) : Add objects to comment layers in order to modify the sheet or communicate with users of a full-featured SDS2 program (who can view your comments).

3c : When you are done reviewing or modifying the sheet, follow these instructions beginning with step 1 to close your current drawing and open a different drawing to review.

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