Base / Cap Plate Weld Options ( Job Settings ) (read-only)

  • To open this window, press a " Welds " button on a line in the Base / Cap Plate Schedule .

  • Settings on this read-only window pertain to one line in the Base / Cap Plate Schedule . That line is the one line that contains the " Welds " button you pressed to open this window.
  • Settings on this window are as specified for a particular column in the model when:

    1. The " Input connection type " is ' User base/cap plt ', and the appropriate " Plate schedule number " is entered to one or both ends of that column.
    2. In " Connection specifications " for the appropriate end of that column, " Weld all around " and " Flange welds " and " Web welds " and " Seal welds " are each set to ' Automatic '.
  • Choices made to this window can be overridden -- in a full-featured SDS2 program -- by " Column Plate Welds " connection design locks or by, in " Connection specifications ," setting " Weld all around " and " Flange welds " and " Web welds " and " Seal welds " to choices other than ' Automatic '.
  • Choices made to this window can also be applied when the " Input connection type " is ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined '.

Also see :

base / cap plate schedule

Use the same options for base and cap plates: or .

If this box is checked ( ), then Base Plate Welds settings apply to both base and cap plates. Cap Plate Welds options are disabled.

If the box is not checked ( ), then Cap Plate Welds options are enabled.

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------ Base Plate Welds ------

Weld all around: No or Yes .

Wide flange and HSS round and HSS rectangular columns are shown in this example. HSS round columns will always be welded all around, even if you set " Weld all around " to ' No ' and, for example, set " Flange welds " to ' One side '.

In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .

' Yes ' lets you set the " Type " and, if that type is ' Fillet ', the " Size " of the weld.

Weld all around:

' No ' results in your being able to apply " Flange welds " or " Web welds " or " Seal welds ."

Type (when " Weld all around " = ' Yes ') : Fillet or Square Groove .

symbol name   related options on this page
 fillet The " Size " that is entered is applied.
 square groove " Size " is disabled.

Size (when " Weld all around " = ' Yes ' and " Type " = ' Fillet ' ) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) that corresponds to the cross-sectional leg length of the fillet weld. An entry of ' 0 ' results a weld size that is greater than or equal to the " Minimum for job " and less than or equal to the " Maximum for non strength connections ." An entry made here that is greater than the " Maximum for non strength connections " will be the actual weld size applied to the column plate if " Weld all around " in a user base/cap plate connection's " Connection specifications " is set to ' Automatic '.

Flange welds: None or One side or Both sides .

Notice that the HSS round column (middle) behaves as if it had been set to weld all around..

The wide flange column (left) gets one result when ' One side ' is selected, a different result when ' Both sides ' are selected. For the HSS round column (middle) and HSS rectangular column (right), selecting ' One side ' or ' Both sides ' results in the same pattern.

In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .

' None ' specifies that no flange welds be generated.

' One side ' results is a total of three welds on a wide flange column, two on the inner flange faces of one flange, the third on an outer flange face of the other flange. For an HSS rectangular column, only the outer faces of the column's "flanges" are welded to the column plate.

Flange welds:
One side

' Both sides ' gives results that are different than ' One side ' only if the column is a flanged shape such as wide flange. For a wide flange column, ' Both sides ' results in the inner faces and outer faces of both flanges being welded to the column plate.

Flange welds:
Both sides

Type (when " Flange welds " = ' One side ' or ' Both sides ') : Fillet or Square Groove or Bevel Groove .

symbol name   related options on this page
 fillet The " Size " that is entered is applied.
square groove " Size " is disabled. A column " Material setback " sets the root opening of the weld to be one half the wall thickness of an HSS rectangular column, or one half the flange thickness of a wide flange column.
bevel groove  " Column flange preps " are enabled. " Size " is disabled. The flange preps are for flanged columns such as wide flange columns.

Size (when the flange welds " Type " = ' Fillet ') : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) that corresponds to the cross-sectional leg length of the fillet weld. An entry of ' 0 ' results a weld size that is greater than or equal to the " Minimum for job " and less than or equal to the " Maximum for non strength connections ." An entry made here that is greater than the " Maximum for non strength connections " will be the actual weld size applied to the column plate if " Flange welds " in a user base/cap plate connection's " Connection specifications " is set to ' Automatic '.

Web welds: None or Both sides .

The wide flange column (left) and HSS rectangular column (right) get similar results. The HSS round column (middle) gets a pattern that is similar to the " Weld all around " pattern.

In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .

' None ' specifies that no web welds be generated.

' Both sides ' gives different results depending on the column material type. See the illustration shown above. When ' Both sides ' is selected, you can enter a " Type " of weld and, if that " Type " is ' Fillet ', the " Size " of the fillet weld.

Web welds
Both sides

Type (when " Web welds " = ' Both sides ') : Fillet or Square Groove .

symbol name   related options on this page
 fillet Lets you enter a " Size ."
 square groove " Size " is disabled ( grayed out ). A column " Material setback " sets the root opening of the weld to be one half the wall thickness of an HSS rectangular column, or one half the web thickness of a wide flange column.

Size (when web weld " Type " = ' Fillet ') : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) that corresponds to the cross-sectional leg length of the fillet weld. An entry of ' 0 ' results a weld size that is greater than or equal to the " Minimum for job " and less than or equal to the " Maximum for non strength connections ." An entry made here that is greater than the " Maximum for non strength connections " will be the actual weld size applied to the column plate if " Web welds " in a user base/cap plate connection's " Connection specifications " is set to ' Automatic '.

Seal welds: No or Yes .

In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .

' No ' specifies that no seal weld be generated.

' Yes ' adds seal weld to thickness edges and fillets of a wide flange column. For an HSS column, ' Yes ' adds seal weld to HSS corners. You may specify the " Size " of the seal weld.

Seal welds

Size (when " Seal welds " = ' Yes ') : The weld size (a distance in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) to be applied to seal welds on column plates. The " Size " that is entered by default is the Home > Project Settings > Job > Weld Design Settings > " Seal weld size ." In the weld symbol shown below, this weld size is 1/8. If " Seal welds " in a user base/cap plate connection's " Connection specifications " is set to ' Automatic ', the " Size " that is entered here will be the seal weld size.

Seal weld symbol

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------ Cap Plate Welds ------

Weld all around: See " Weld all around " for base plates. This works the same way, but applies to cap plates when " Use the same options for base and cap plates " is off (unchecked).

Flange welds: See " Flange welds " for base plates. This works the same way, but applies to cap plates when " Use the same options for base and cap plates " is off (unchecked).

Web welds: See " Web welds " for base plates. This works the same way, but applies to cap plates when " Use the same options for base and cap plates " is off (unchecked).

Seal welds: See " Seal welds " for base plates. This works the same way, but applies to cap plates when " Use the same options for base and cap plates " is off (unchecked).

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------ Column Flange Preps ------

" Column flange preps " are applicable when a flange weld's " Type " is set to ' Bevel Groove '. Otherwise, these options are disabled.

Re-entrant cut radius: A distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ). The re-entrant cut radius applies when " Re-entrant cut " is set to ' Alternate 3 '. The re-entrant cut is circular.

r = re-entrant cut radius.

Root face dimension: A distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ). The root face dimension applies when " Re-entrant cut " is ' Alternate 3 ' or ' Alternate 1 '.

t = root face dimension.

Root opening: A distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ). The root opening dimension applies when " Re-entrant cut " is ' Alternate 3 ' or ' Alternate 1 '.

o = root opening.

Alternate #3 cope depth: A distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ). The alternate 3 cope depth applies when " Re-entrant cut " is set to ' Alternate 3 '. This distance offsets the center of the circular component of the alternate 3 re-entrant cut by a distance that is equal to " Alternate #3 cope depth " - " Re-entrant cut radius ."

d = alternate 3 cope depth.

Web setback dimension: N/A at this time.

Groove angle: A number of degrees ( 0 to 90 ). The groove angle applies when " Re-entrant cut " is ' Alternate 3 ' or ' Alternate 1 '.

" Groove angle " = ' 45 '.

Alternate #1 re-entrant hole distance: A distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ). The alternate 1 re-entrant hole distance applies when " Re-entrant cut " is set to ' Alternate 1 '.

h = Alternate #1 re-entrant hole distance.

Note in the example depicted above that this distance happens to be exactly the same as the " Alternate #1 re-entrant cut radius " that is depicted below. If the two values differed, then this value would offset the center of the circular hole whose radius is set per the distance entered to " Alternate #1 re-entrant cut radius ."

Alternate #1 re-entrant cut radius: A distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ). The re-entrant cut radius applies when " Re-entrant cut " is ' Alternate 1 '. While the total alternate 1 re-entrant cut is not circular, this radius is the radius of a circle. The circular component of an alternate 1 re-entrant cut is offset per distance entries made to " Alternate 1 re-entrant cut length " and " Alternate 1 re-entrant cut depth " and etc.

r = Alternate #1 re-entrant cut radius.

Alternate #1 re-entrant cut length: A distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ). The re-entrant cut depth applies when " Re-entrant cut " is ' Alternate 1 '. This length dimension is measured parallel with the length of the column.

l = Alternate #1 re-entrant cut length.

Alternate #1 re-entrant cut depth: A distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ). This re-entrant cut depth applies when " Re-entrant cut " is ' Alternate 1 '. This depth dimension is measured parallel with the depth of the column.

d = Alternate #1 re-entrant cut depth.

Alternate #1 flange flush length: A distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ). This flange flush length applies when " Re-entrant cut " is ' Alternate 1 '. This length dimension is measured parallel with the length of the column.

fl = Alternate #1 flange flush length.

Re-entrant cut: Alternate #3 or Alternate #1 . This option and other " Column flange preps " options on this window apply in a full-featured SDS2 program when a flange welds " Type " is set to ' Bevel Groove '.

' Alternate #3 '
' Alternate #1 '

In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .

' Alternate #3 ' creates the column flange prep using the " Re-entrant cut radius " that is entered on this window. The alternate 3 "rat hole" is a circle that is offset from the column flange by the " Alternate #3 cope depth " dimension.

' Alternate #1 ' creates the column flange prep using the " Alternate #1 re-entrant cut radius " and " Alternate #1 re-entrant cut length " and " Alternate #1 re-entrant cut depth " and " Alternate #1 flange flush length " that are entered on this window. ' Alternate 1 ' is the default choice, per AISC specifications.

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"OK" (or the Enter key) closes the Base / Cap Plate Options window.

"Cancel" (or the Esc key) closes the Base / Cap Plate Options window.

"Reset" is not applicable (N/A). The button does nothing.

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