Modeling or Drawing Editor > Locate >

  • Locate icons can be taken from the group named ' Locate ' ( Modeling ) or ' Locate ' ( Drawing Editor ) and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).
  • For Locate options on this menu to be enabled (not grayed out), you must perform an operation that requires locators. For example, Construction Line Add .

   Auto (Auto Point)

   Point Location Configuration (Auto Point Configuration & More)

             Drag and Drop Configuration (for dragging objects, Drawing Editor ) ( )

   ANGL (Angle)

   BSCL (Base Construction Line) ( )

   BSMB (Base Member Line)

   BSRL (Base Real Line)

   CNTR (Center of Screen)

   DXDY (Dx/Dy Offset) ( )

   EXPT (Exact Point)

   FRPT (Free Point)

   INCL (Intersection of Construction Lines) ( )

   INCM (Intersection Con Line/Member) ( )

   INCR (Intersection Con Line/Real Line)

   INRL (Intersection of Real Lines)

  INRM (Intersection Real Line/Member)

   MDPT (Mid Point)

   ONLN (On Line) ( )

   PERP (perpendicular)

   POLE (Polar Point)

   REFD (Reference Drawing) ( )

   TANC (Tangent to Construction Circle)

   VTPT (Vertex Point)

   XYZ (XYZ Coordinate)

Also see: ANNO (point location annotations toggle), Offset Controls (for point location), ORTHO (works with Locate options).

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