REFD (Reference Drawing, Modeling only)

Tool summary :

  • REFD stands for "Reference Drawing." It is a snap for locating points on a reference drawing .
  • It works with other locators to let you find locatable points on a reference drawing.

    both locators ( EXPT & REFD ) are active

    • If you click REFD on when a single point locator such as EXPT is on, that other locator stays on.
    • Other locators that REFD can work with are INRL or MDPT or INCL or EXPT or INRM or Auto Point .
  • You might use it to add items to the model at precise reference drawing locations. In a full-featured SDS2 pogram, it might be used to add members ( Add Member ) or grid lines ( Add Grid Line ). In a review station you might use it to add construction lines that align with precise reference drawing locations.
  • See the step-by-step instructions .

Also see :


In Modeling , a point is located on a reference drawing using REFD in order to add a column. You cannot add members in a review station. However, REFD can be used to make Ruler measurements. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v7.3.)

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   Locating a point using REFD :

REFD is a Locate option that can be used in Modeling to allow a point locator such as INRL or MDPT or INCL or EXPT or INRM or Auto Point to find locatable points on a reference drawing .

1 . Begin this operation in Modeling with a reference drawing shown in the model.

1a : Invoke Construction Line Add or any other tool that requires the use a Locate option to designate points.

2 . Various Locate options become active, and the status line prompts you to locate a point.

2a : Select the Locate icon you want (if it's not selected already).

2b : Select the REFD icon or choose Locate > Reference Drawing or select REFD on the Set Location Mode toolbar item.

2c : Place the mouse pointer ( ) so that the point location target ( ) snaps to the locatable point that is nearest to the mouse pointer. The point may be on the reference drawing or not. The X-Y-Z display confirms the point's position. Left-click ( Locate ) to locate the point that the target is centered over.

2d : Continue to perform the operation you began in step 1a.

Tip: Turning REFD off will prevent the target from snapping to the reference drawing.

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