Commands ( Modeling )

  • This help page lists Modeling commands and their command groups (e.g., File ). The commands become available for you when you select that " Command group " in the Keyboard Shortcut Editor or a similar editor. For example, when you select ' File ' in the Context Menu Editor , commands for Save Area Create RFI and Clear Mode Stack become available to you.
  • Commands listed on this page can be be added as icons using Toolbar Configuration (classic) or the Ribbon Editor (lightning).
  • For lightning or classic, the commands can also be added using the Keyboard Shortcut Editor or Context Menu Editor or Mode Configuration .
  • In the lightning interface, ribbons and keyboard shortcuts and modes and the context menu are configured via Customize Interface .
  • User and Site Options > General > " Modeling layout style " sets whether the Modeling interface is ' Classic ' or ' Lightning '.

ribbon editor | keyboard shortcut editor | context menu editor | mode configuration


Create RFI

Clear Mode Stack

Mode Return

Exit (or press the button)

Next Erection View

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File -- Views/Grids

Open View Ctrl + o

Revert Ctrl + r

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Review (generic)


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Edit -- Search

Failed Connections

Connections Below Minimum Setup

Bolt Diameters Changed by System

Non-Square Cut Ends

Connection Design Locks Set

Beam Web Doublers

Shear Loads Below Minimum Setup

Connections Changed by System

Non-AISC Single-Plate Shear Connections

Indeterminate Ends

Plain End Connections

Braces with Different Thickness Gussets

Graphical Connections

Frames to Model Complete

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Parametric launchers (classic)

A user-added icon can be placed into this command group from the Launcher Manager , under the " Parametric " tab, by pressing the " Add " button then filling out the requisite information, including a file path to the desired parametric (.py) " Script ."

Report launchers (classic)

Icons under this command group are created from the Launcher Manager , under the " Reports " tab, by pressing the " Add " button then filling out the requisite information, including a file path to the desired Report Writer report " Script ."

Selection launchers (classic)

You can create an icon for this command group using the Launcher Manager , by pressing the " Add " button under the " Modeling selections " tab, then filling out the requisite information, including a file path to the desired Advanced Selection (.sel) " Script ."

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Plan View ( v )

Section View ( Ctrl + s )

Isometric View ( i i )

Reference Elevation

Relative Depth ( r d )

Undo View Change ( u )

Clear View Buffer


Display Options ( d d )

Retain View

Previous Retained View

Next Retained View

Show Detail ( s d )

Show Sheet

Depth Check

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View -- Solids Mode

Solids Mode

Toggle Stick/Solid

Change All to Stick ( Shift + A Shift + S )

Change All to Solid Opaque ( s + a )

Change All to Solid Transparent

Change All to Solid Transparent Main


Solid Opaque

Solid Transparent

Solid Transparent Main

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View -- Tiles

Toggle Active Tile (classic -- a decoration)

Set Active Tile

Clear Active Tile

Split Tile Horizontally

Split Tile Vertically

Remove Tile

Single Tile

Two Tiles, Vertical

Two Tiles, Horizontal

Three Tiles, Left

Three Tiles, Right

Three Tiles, Top

Three Tiles, Bottom

Four Tiles

Four Tiles, Left

Four Tiles, Right

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Rotate View

Navigate Once

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Navigate--Navigation Mode

Navigation Mode



Zoom In 10%

Zoom Out 10%

Zoom In to Region ( z w )

Zoom Out to Region ( z x )

Zoom to Fit



Pan Up

Pan Down

Pan Right

Pan Left


Rotate Repeat Mode

Rotate X

Rotate Y

Zoom In to Pointer

Zoom Out to Pointer

Zoom In to Center

Zoom Out to Center

Plumb View

Seek to Face

Seek to Point

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Navigate - Surface Mode

Surface Mode

Snap to Surface

Snap to Farside Surface

Snap to Adjacent Surface

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Status Display ( Shift + ? )

Status Display Legend

Update Attributes q

Display Center of Mass and Weight

VRML Export


Show Detail Dimensions

Clear Detail Dimensions

Add Note to Model

Note Viewer

Copy Notes

Move Notes

Add Dimensions ( d a )

Erase All Dimensions

Load Dimensions

Save Dimensions

Manage Reference Models

Manage Point Clouds

Hide Reference Model

Show Reference Model

Status Select

Model Summary

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Model -- Construction Lines

Construction Line Mode

Construction Line Add ( c a )

Finite Construction Line Add ( a f )

Construction Line Add Grid

Construction Line Add Material ( c z )

Construction Line Edit

Construction Line Edit All

Construction Line Erase

Construction Line Erase All

Construction Line Load

Construction Line Save

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Model -- Connection Cube ( new )

Connection Cube Review ( new )

Connection Cube Isolation ( new )

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Model -- Construction Circle

Construction Circle Mode

Construction Circle Add

Construction Circle Edit

Construction Circle Edit All

Construction Circle Erase

Construction Circle Erase All

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Model -- Member

Member Mode

Member Review

Member Review by Piecemark

Member Review by Number

Select Member by Member Number

Member Properties

Hide Members ( m h )

Hide Unselected Members ( m u )

Show Members ( m o )

Show Items Attached to Members

Member Sequence

Member Sequence Mode

Show Member Sequence

Member Isolate

Isolate Member Mode

Isolate Member by Location

Isolate Member by Piecemark

Isolate Member by Number

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Model -- Group Member

Group Member Review

Group Member Review by Piecemark

Group Member Properties

Isolate Group Member Mode

Isolate Group Member by Location

Isolate Group Member by Piecemark

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Model -- Material

Material Mode

Material Review

Review Material Reference Point

Find Material

Material Properties

Isolate Material Mode

Isolate Material by Location

Isolate Material by Piecemark

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Model -- Hole

Hole Mode

Hole Review

Hole - Review Reference Point

Hole Properties

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Model -- Bolt

Bolt Mode

Bolt Review

Bolt Properties

Bolt Check

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Model -- Weld

Weld Mode

Weld Review

Weld Properties

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Model -- Reference Drawing

Reference Drawing Mode

Reference Drawing Add

Reference Drawing Link

Reference Drawing Move

Reference Drawing Erase

Reference Drawings Erase All

Reference Drawing Tools

Refresh Reference Drawings

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Model -- Parametric

Run Parametric

Rerun Parametric

Approval Tool

SDS2 Status Transfer

Approval Sheet Sorting

Attachment Tool

SDS2 Full Transfer

Open Sheet

ASA Export

SDS2 Full Transfer

StruMis Transfer

Universal Rebar Exchange

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Model -- Concrete

Concrete Wall System

Progress XML Export

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Auto (Auto Point)

Point Location Configuration

Angle ( ANGL )

Base Construction Line (BSCL)

Base Member Line (BSMB)

Base Real Line (BSRL)

Center of Screen (CNTR)


Dx/Dy Offset (DXDY)

Exact Point (EXPT)

Rebar Exact Point (REP)

Free Point (FRPT)

Intersection Construction Line (INCL)

Intersection Cons Line/Member (INCM)

Intersection Cons Line/Real Line (INCR)

Intersection Real Line (INRL)

Intersection Real/Member (INRM)

Mid Point (MDPT)

Perpendicular (PERP)

Tangent to Construction Line (TANC)

Vertex Point (VTPT)

XYZ Coordinate (XYZ)

Polar Point (POLE)

On Line (ONLN)

Toggle Ortho (ORTHO)

Toggle UCS

Set UCS to Current View

Set UCS Origin

Rotate UCS

Revert UCS

Align UCS

Set Location Mode (classic)

Toggle Annotations Point (ANNO)

Reference Drawing

Toggle 45 Degree Construction Lines at Noticed Points

Point Cloud Exact Point (PCEXPT)

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Report Writer
Run Report Writer Report ( Home > Reports > Generate Report )
Export Report Writer Report

ABM Report

Bill of Material Report 1 by Detail
Bill of Material Report 1 by Sheet
Bill of Material Report 2 by Detail
Bill of Material Report 2 by Sheet
Bill of Material Report 3 by Detail
Bill of Material Report 3 by Sheet
Bill of Material Plot Order by Detail
Bill of Material Plot Order by Sheet

Check Report
Check Plot

Clash Report

Design Calculations
Print Expanded Calculations
Print Expanded Calculations by Location

Field Bolts For Members
Field Bolts For Members by Sequence
Field Bolts For Members By Zone

Field Bolts For Members by Seq., Select by Sheet
Field Bolts For Members by Zone, Select by Sheet

Field Bolts Point to Point
Field Bolts Point to Point by Sequence
Field Bolts Point to Point by Zone
Field Bolts Point To Point by Sheet

Field Bolt Summary
Field Bolt Summary by Sequence
Field Bolt Summary by Zone
Field Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM
Field Bolt Summary From Sheet BOM

Joist Report

Material Summary, Select by Detail
Material Summary, Select by Sheet
Material Summary by Sequence, Select by Detail
Material Summary by Sequence, Select by Sheet
Material Summary by Zone, Select by Detail
Material Summary by Zone, Select by Sheet

Member Revisions by Member
Members in Member Revisions

Plate Report by Thickness
Plate Report by Hole Size

Sheet Loading Report for Details
Sheet Loading Report for Submaterials

Sheet List, Select by Detail
Sheet List, Select by Sheet

Shop Bolt Report
Shop Bolt Report by Zone
Shop Bolt Report by Sequence
Shop Bolt Summary
Shop Bolt Summary by Zone
Shop Bolt Summary by Sequence
Shop Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM
Shop Bolt Summary From Sheet BOM

Job Standards
Global Standards

Status Report by Detail
Status Report by Sheet
Status Report by Category
Status Report by Proximity

Submaterial Piecemark List
Submaterial Piecemark List, by Sequence
Submaterial Piecemark List, by Zone
Submaterial Piecemark List, Select by Submaterial

Shape File Report
Shape File Comparison Report

Field Bolts by Erection View (?????)

Members on Erection Views (?????)

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Reports -- SDS2 User

These are Report Writer vesions of the same reports that are listed above. You might want to reverse engineer these reports to help you figure out how Report Writer works.

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Reports -- Viewer

These are Report Writer reports that were designed specifically for SDS2 viewer.

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Computer Numerically Controlled

Bill Interchange Format

Import Model

Drawing Conversion

Estimating Production

FabTrol Export

Kiss Export

Export Model

SPN Download

EJE Export

Tekla EPM Export

Tekla EPM XML Export

SteelProjects Export

P2 Export

LaserEdge Drawing Export

Drawing Editor

Project Transfer


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User and Site Options

Toolbar Configuration (classic) (replaced by the Ribbon Editor in lightning)

Keyboard Shortcut Editor (classic) (open using Customize Interface in lightning)

Mode Configuration (classic) (open using Customize Interface in lightning)

Context Menu Editor (classic) (open using Customize Interface in lightning)

Load Configuration (classic)

Save Configuration (classic)

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Settings - Job Settings

  • A list of commands or icons that let you configure as toolbar items, ribbon icons, keyboard shortcuts, context menu commands and mode commands.
  • The commands open the same windows that you can open from Home > Projects Settings > Job .

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Settings - Fabricator Settings

  • A list of commands or icons that let you configure as toolbar items, ribbon icons, keyboard shortcuts, context menu commands and mode commands.
  • The commands open the same windows that you can open from Home > Projects Settings > Fabricator .

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Settings - Concrete Settings

  • A list of commands or icons that let you configure as toolbar items, ribbon icons, keyboard shortcuts, context menu commands and mode commands.
  • The commands open the same windows that you can open from Home > Projects Settings .

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Toggle Z-filtering (classic) (available on an as-needed basis in lightning)

Status Display Toggle (classic) (always available in lightning)

Status Configuration (classic) (always available in lightning)

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Decorations (classic -- for Toolbar Configuration )

  • Many of these "decorations" are built-in features of the lightning interface.

Binding Reporters

Status line

Selected count

X-Y-Z display

Display job/fabricator

Display current elevation

Display current view

Axis orientation

Mode Stack Reporter

Depth Check Controls

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Selection Mode (a.k.a. Select Items Mode )

Clear Selection

Restore Selection

Load Selection

Save Selection

Edit Selection

Advanced Selection

Advanced Selection from File

Set Selection Filter ( s f )

Edit Selection Filter

Selection Filter (classic) (always available in lightning)

Set Selection Filter Expression

Model Tree (classic) (always available in lightning)

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Report Template Manager

Report Manager

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  • Toolbox tools are free to users whose support accounts are current. Contact an SDS2 sales representative for more information.
  • To download an installer for any of these tools, log in at and search ( ) for "toolbox".
  • Once you've run an installer for a tool, you can place its icon onto toolbars (classic interface), or onto the ribbon (lightning interface).
  • Most Toolbox tools are downloaded to the ' Toolbox ' command group. Other Toolbox tools may be downloaded to, for example, the ' Model - Member ' command group.
  • Toolbox commands can also be invoked using a keyboard shortcut or the context menu .
  • Click here to go to the SDS2 Detailing manual and view a list of the toolbox tools that are available. These tools may or may not be applicable to SDS2 Model Review or SDS2 Fabricating.

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