The Safety Tabs window

  • The Safety Tabs review window provides custom component settings. You cannot add or modify a custom component in an SDS2 review station. You can review component settings.
  • Click here for help documentation on the Safety Tabs custom component from the SDS2 Detailing help manual.

To open the Safety Tabs review window, you can double-click any material or weld that is a part of the custom component . As this illustration shows, selecting any one material selects the entire component.

The Safety Tabs custom component is also a " Component " of whatever beam the component was added to in a full-featured SDS2 program . This means that another way to review the safety tab settings is to open the Beam Review window. Be aware that the tabs themselves are submaterials of the column, not of the beam. The settings that control the tabs are specified on the beam because the tabs are positioned along the column based on the beam's top flange elevation. In this example, it is the right beam's " End elevation " that the tabs are positioned with respect to.

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