" Bearing Shoe Slots " & " Bolts " connection design locks

Slots are created in a joist bearing shoe for field bolting the joist to a joist seat or beam top flange.

(joist to a column web or flange or to a beam's top flange)
(" Input connection type " = ' Seated ' or ' Bearing ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ')
" Bearing Shoe Slots "

Setup : Defaults for the " Bearing Shoe Slots " connection component come from " Bearing shoe slot length " and " Bearing shoe slot edge distance " and " Shoe slot diameter " on the Joist Connection Settings window in Standard Fabricator Connections . Bolt diameters to the support are set up per joist type in the Bolt Settings window.

Related locks :
Seated Plate
Seated Angle
Seated Tee
" Bolts "

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Connection design locks :

  Joist Shoe Slots

Slots in a joist bearing shoe

Slot diameter ( diameter ):

Slot length ( length ):

Slot edge distance (NS):

Slot edge distance (FS) ( edge distance ):

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Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).

Bolts in a joist bearing shoe

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

Distance to holes ( to holes ):

Gage ( gage ):

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