The Vertical Brace Review window ( Modeling )

  • Settings on the Vertical Brace Review window are read-only .
  • The " Status " and " Properties " open other windows that are editable.
  • " Change all " options let you apply one member's status changes to all members with the same mark.
  • The " Print " button or " Expanded Calc " buttons can give you connection design calculations.
  • Multi-member review: mixed entries are gray.
  • To open this window .

The navigation tree is contained in the left pane of the Vertical Brace Review window. It makes navigating the window easier.

Selecting a section name shows that section on the Vertical Brace Review window. In the example at left, " Connection specifications " is selected and, as a result, the " Connection specifications " leaf is expanded (as opposed to collapsed) ( VIDEO1 ). Sections are scrolled to when opened or, if they are already opened, when double-clicked ( VIDEO2 ).

To resize the pane containing the navigation tree drag its right edge.

" Show images " (when checked) displays drawings that depict the dimensions that are controlled by connection design locks . ( VIDEO3 )

" Overlay " (when checked) displays one section at a time, just like selecting a tab on a window with tabs displays only the section for that one tab.

General settings
  Left end settings
  Right end settings

  General settings   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Section size   Stem orientation   Main material
  Piecemark   Connection type   Marked for processing
  Piecemark group   Long leg   Marked for detailing
  Steel grade   Leg turned up   Node-match job
  Surface Finish   Double material   Model complete
  Sequence   Configuration   Complete date
  Swap member ends   Side of gusset  
  One gage line   Stem direction   WP to WP length: plan
  Stagger bolts   Web orientation   WP to WP length: actual
  Welded section ...   Long side  
  Break apart   Min gusset thickness
    Locate on neutral axis
  Stitch plate gap
  Max stitch spacing
  Number of plates
  Seismic brace
ABM options apply to a joist's " Section size " -- the joist's main material.

Left end settings
Right end settings

General settings
    Left/Right end settings

Connection Changed Message Connection Failure Message
  Connection :   Connection :

General settings
    Left/Right end settings

  Member   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  End elevation   Standard detail
  Move material (left end only)  

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type

  Connection type   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Input connection type   Use miscellaneous plates list
  User defined connection   Minimum setup connection
  System designed connection   Disable framing situation checks
  NM bolt type  
  NM bolt diameter  

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specification

  Connection specifications   ------------------------------------------------------------
---- Vbrc plate ----
  Gusset plate grade   Clip angle size
  Use OS gusset holes   Attach long leg to
  Connection arrangement   Hole type supported
  Web connection type   Hole type supporting
  Flange connection type   Bolt type
  Pipe/tube end-fitting   Bolt diameter
  Notch length clearance   Stagger bolts
  Erection bolts   Gage on supporting
  Clip end operation   UFM special case
  Angle end fitting  Case 2 transfer percent
  Include end welds   Check support for web stress
  HSS column reinforcement   Check supporting for web crippling
  Gusset to supporting member   Check supporting for web shear
  Gusset to beam clips   Check supporting for flange bending
  Gusset to clip connection   AISC seismic 1st ed. 2pt gussets
---- Welded ----
  Weld all around angle   Align stiffeners with
  Use transverse support stiffener  

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specifications

  Setbacks   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Field clearance   Automatic Minus dimension
  Input minus dimension

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specifications

  Loads   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Tension load  
  Compression load  

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specifications
        End preparations

  End preparations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  End-cut type   Moment connection web setback
  Web cut angle   Top flange operation
  Flange cut angle   Bottom flange operation

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specifications
        End preparations
        Connection design locks
        ( Brace to beam )

Tip: Connection design locks may also be found on an edit window for a connection component .

Vertical Brace to a Beam (or various framing situations)
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( rod brace, any framing situation ) ( )
     Brace Reinforcement ( HSS/TS brace, any framing situation ) ( )
     Gusset One Member Square ( angle )
     Gusset One Member Square ( tee, channel )
     Gusset One Member ( angle, tee, channel )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( angle, tee, channel )
     Weld Conn2 ( angle, tee, channel )
     NS/FS Clip Conn2 ( gusset weld to a beam )
     Gusset One Member ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle ( HSS, pipe, tube ; paddle fitting )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Bolted ( HSS, pipe, tube; welded tee fitting )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Welded ( HSS, pipe, tube; welded )
     Hss Paddle With Web Plates ( HSS; paddle double shear fitting )
     Gusset One Member ( stem-vertical tee )
     Brace Connection to Gusset Wtee ( stem-vertical tee, web plates )
     Brace Connection to Gusset ( stem-vertical tee, coped flange )
     Gusset One Member ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Wide Flange Web Plate ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Wide Flange Flange Angle ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Connection to Gusset ( wide flange, web bolts to gusset )
     Gusset One Member ( wide flange, paddle plates )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Paddle ( wide flange, paddle plates )
     Gusset One Member ( wide flange, web horizontal, claw angles )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Claw ( wide flange, claw angles )
     Gusset One Member ( wide flange, web horizontal, flange gussets )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Plate ( wide flange, flange gussets )

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specifications
        End preparations
        Connection design locks
        ( Brace to column )

Vertical Brace to a Column
     Stiffener Plate ( seismic or non-seismic brace to a column web )
     Gusset One Member Square ( angle )
     Gusset One Member Square ( tee, channel )
     Gusset One Member ( angle, tee, channel )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( angle, tee, channel )
     Weld Conn2 ( angle, tee, channel )
     NS/FS Clip Conn2 ( clip angle to a column )
     Gusset One Member ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Bolted ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Welded ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Hss Paddle With Web Plates ( HSS; paddle double shear fitting )
     Gusset One Member ( stem-vertical tee )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wtee ( stem-vertical tee, web plates )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( stem-vertical tee, coped flange )
     Gusset One Member ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Connection to Gusset Wide Flange Web Plate ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Flange Angle ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( wide flange, web bolts to gusset )
     Gusset One Member ( wide flange, paddle plates )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Paddle ( wide flange, paddle )
     Gusset One Member ( wide flange, web-horizontal, claw angles )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Claw ( wide flange, claw angles )
     Gusset One Member ( wide flange, web-horizontal, flange gussets )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Plate ( wide flange, flange gussets )

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specifications
        End preparations
        Connection design locks
        ( Brace Intersection )

Vertical Brace Intersection (X bracing)
     Gusset Intersection ( angle, tee, channel )
     Brace Conn to Gusset ( angle, tee, channel )
     Gusset Intersection ( HSS, pipe or tube braces )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Hss Bolted ( welded tee on a HSS, pipe or tube brace )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Hss Paddle ( paddle plate, HSS, pipe or tube brace )

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specifications
        End preparations
        Connection design locks
        ( Brace to beam & column )

Vertical Brace to a Beam & Column
     Gusset Beam Column Square ( angle )
     Gusset Beam Column Square ( tee, channel )
     Gusset Beam Column ( angle, tee, channel )
     NS/FS Clip Conn1 ( gusset to column, angle, tee, channel )
     NS/FS Clip Conn2 ( gusset to beam )
     Shear Tab ( gusset to column )
     End Plate ( gusset to column )
     Gusset Beam Column ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Hss Paddle ( HSS, pipe, tube, paddle plate fitting )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Hss Bolted ( HSS, pipe, tube, welded tee fitting )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Welded ( HSS, pipe, tube; welded )
     Hss Paddle With Web Plates ( HSS; paddle double shear fitting )
     NS/FS Clip Conn1 ( gusset to column )
     Gusset Beam Column ( stem-vertical tee )
     NS/FS Clip Conn1 ( stem-vertical tee )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Wtee ( stem-vertical tee, web plates )
     Brace Conn To Gusset ( stem-vertical tee, coped flange )
     Gusset Beam Column ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Wide Flange Web Plate ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Wide Flange Flange Angle ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( wide flange, web bolts to gusset )
     NS/FS Clip Conn1 ( clip angle to column )
     Gusset Beam Column ( wide flange, paddle plates )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Wide Flange Paddle ( wide flange, paddle plates )
     Gusset Beam Column ( web-horizontal wide fange, flange gussets )
     Gusset Beam Column ( web-horizontal wide flange, claw angles )

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specifications
        End preparations
        Connection design locks
        ( 2 point to a beam )

Vertical Brace 2- or 3-Point Shared Gusset to a Beam
     Gusset 2 Point Square ( angle )
     Gusset 2 Point Square ( tee, channel )
     Gusset 2 Point ( angle, tee, channel )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( angle, tee, channel )
     NS/FS Clip Conn2 ( shared gusset to beam clip, 2-point only )
     Web Doublers ( on the supporting beam, 2-point only )
     Gusset 2 Point ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Bolted ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Welded ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Gusset 2 Point ( stem-vertical tee )
     Brace Conn to Gusset Wtee ( stem-vertical tee, web plates )
     Brace Conn to Gusset ( stem-vertical tee, coped flange )
     Gusset 2 Point ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Web Plate ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Conn T o Gusset Wide Flange Flange Angle ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( wide flange, web bolts to gusset )
     Gusset 2 Point ( wide flange, paddle plates )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( wide flange, paddle plates )
     Gusset 2 Point ( web-horizontal wide flange, claw angles )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Claw ( web-horizontal wide flange )
     Gusset 2 Point ( web-horizontal wide flange, flange gussets )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Flange Plate ( web horizontal )

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specifications
        End preparations
        Connection design locks
        ( 2 point to a column )

Vertical Brace 2- or 3-Point Shared Gusset to a Column
     NS/FS Clip Conn2 ( shared gusset to column clip, 2-point only )
     Web Doublers ( on the supporting column, 2-point only )
     Stiffener Plate ( seismic or non-seismic 2- or 3-point to a column web )
     Gusset 2 Point Square ( angle )
     Gusset 2 Point Square ( tee, channel )
     Gusset 2 Point ( angle, tee, channel )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( angle, tee, channel )
     Gusset 2 Point ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Bolted ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Welded ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Gusset 2 Point ( stem-vertical tee )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wtee ( stem-vertical tee, web plates )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( stem-vertical tee, coped flange )
     Gusset 2 Point ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Wide Flange Web Plate ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Wide Flange Flange Angle ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( wide flange, web bolts to gusset )
     Gusset 2 Point ( wide flange, paddle plates )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange, Paddle ( wide flange, paddle plates )
     Gusset 2 Point ( web-horizontal wide flange, claw angles )
     Gusset 2 Point ( web-horizontal wide flange, flange gussets )

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specifications
        End preparations
        Connection design locks
         ( brace to column
         & base/cap plate

Vertical Brace to a Column & Base/Cap Plate
     Gusset Column Cap Square ( angle )
     Gusset Column Cap Square ( tee, channel )
     Gusset Column Cap ( angle, tee, channel )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( angle, tee, channel )
     Gusset Column Cap ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Hss Bolted ( HSS, pipe, tube )
     Hss Paddle With Web Plates ( HSS; paddle double shear fitting )
     Gusset Column Cap ( stem-vertical tee )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Wtee ( stem-vertical tee, web plates )
     Brace Conn To Gusset ( stem-vertical tee, coped flange )
     Gusset Column Cap ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Wide Flange Web Plate ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Wide Flange Flange Angle ( wide flange, standard )
     Brace Connection To Gusset ( wide flange, web bolts to gusset )
     Gusset Column Cap ( wide flange, paddle plates )
     Brace Conn To Gusset Wide Flange Paddle ( wide flange, paddle plates )
     Gusset Column Cap ( web horizontal wide flange, claw angles )
     Brace Connection To Gusset Wide flange Claw ( web horizontal wide flange )

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specifications
        End preparations
Connection design locks
       Left/right end limit state

  Left/Right end limit state ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

--- The capacity of a connection is calculated for various limit states during connection design .

--- Connection design takes place in a full-featured SDS2 program , but not in an SDS2 review station .

--- You can review the results of connection design by reviewing connection design locks , by outputting a Connection Design Calculations Report or the Expanded Connection Design Calculations , or by visual inspection of the model.

General settings
    Left/Right end settings
        Connection type
        Connection specifications
       End preparations
        Connection design locks
        Left/Right end limit state

  Components ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--- Custom component settings will appear on the Vertical Brace Review window only if a custom component has been added in a full-featured SDS2 program . You cannot add a custom component in an SDS2 review station .

--- One name of a custom component whose settings may appear on a Vertical Brace Review window is " HSS Cap Plates ."

To open the Vertical Brace Review window :

Also see :

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