" NS/FS Clip Conn2 " connection design locks

" NS/FS Clip Conn2 " gusset clip angles shop bolt a vertical brace's gusset plate to a beam when " Gusset to supporting member " is set to ' Clip angle '. The NS and FS clip angles shop bolt to the beam flange and can either be shop welded (' Welded ') or shop bolted (' Bolted ') to the gusset plate.

(vertical brace gusset clip angles shop bolted to a beam)
(vertical brace " Section size " = any valid shape)
(" Input connection type " = ' Vbrc Plate ' or ' User defined ')
(" Gusset to supporting member " = ' Clip angle ')
(" Gusset to clip connection " = ' Bolted ' or ' Welded ')

" NS Clip Conn2 "
(shop ' Welded ' to the gusset)

" NS Clip Conn2 "
(shop ' Bolted ' to the gusset)

For the situation depicted in these illustrations, a negative (-) distance would be entered to " Top of angle " and " Vertical to 1st hole ." The "top" of the NS clip angle shown in these illustrations is the clip angle's right edge.

Related locks,
vertical brace
to a beam

Gusset One Member Square (angle vertical brace)
Gusset One Member Square (tee or channel vertical brace)
Gusset One Member (angle, tee or channel vertical brace)
Gusset One Member (HSS, pipe or tube vertical brace)
Gusset One Member (stem-vertical tee vertical brace)
Gusset One Member (wide flange vertical brace, standard connection)
Gusset One Member (wide flange vertical brace, paddle plate connection)
Gusset One Member (wide flange vertical brace, claw angles)
Gusset One Member (wide flange vertical brace, flange gussets)

user defined | vertical brace review | top

Connection design locks :

Locks not called out or dimensioned on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).

  NS/FS Clip Conn2
( vertical brace to a beam )

Clip angle

Section size ( not depicted ):

Long leg to ( not depicted ):

Top of angle ( top ):

Length of angle ( length ):

Connection to supported (gusset clip angle, NS or FS, leg welded or bolted to the gusset plate) :

When " Connection specifications " > " Gusset to clip connection " is set to ' Welded ', you get a " Weld size " entry field, but no options for bolting:

Weld size ( weld ): The weld size used to shop weld the " NS Clip Conn2 " or " FS Clip Conn2 " clip angle to the gusset plate (see example ).

When " Gusset to clip connection " is set to ' Bolted ', you get the following " Connection to supported " options for shop bolting the brace to the gusset plate. " Connection to supported " settings can be different than the entries made to " Connection to supporting " fields.

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

diameter of leg-to gusset shop bolts

Hole type ( not depicted ):

Rows ( not depicted ):

Vertical to 1st hole ( not depicted ):

Vertical hole spacing ( not depicted ):

Top vertical edge distance ( not depicted ):

Bottom vertical edge distance ( not depicted ):

Horizontal to 1st hole ( gol ):

Connection to supporting (gusset clip angle, NS or FS, leg that shop bolts to the supporting beam) :

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

diameter of shop bolts for the leg to the beam

Hole type ( not depicted ):


Vertical to 1st hole ( vert to 1st ):

Vertical hole spacing ( spacing ): The entry made here can be one vertical spacing distance or variable hole spacing. See the video and table below.

VIDEO Variable hole spacing can be typed to locked " Vertical hole spacing " fields found in leaves named " Shear Tab "; " Bent Plate " " End Plate " and " NS/FS Clip ." (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.)

Rows Spacing Result
5 3,5,3,3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3"
5 3,5,2@3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3"
5 3,5,3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3"
(the last spacing -- 3 -- is repeated to fill the spaces that are required for the number of rows)
5 3,5,3,3,2,3 End connection failure message (see below).

End connection failure message: Variable row spacing specifies too many rows

Top vertical edge distance ( top ed ):

Bottom vertical edge distance ( btm ed ):

Horizontal to 1st hole ( horz to 1st ):

user defined | vertical brace review | top