" NS/FS Clip Conn2 " connection design locks

Gusset clip angles shop attached to a 2-point shared gusset plate for vertical braces to a beam are designed per " NS/FS Clip Conn2 " locks when " Gusset to supporting member " is set to ' Clip angle '. This applies to all valid vertical brace section sizes. It does not apply to 3-point bracing.

(2-point vertical brace shared gusset shop attached to a beam with gusset clip angles)
(gusset plates for 3 vertical braces weld to the beam -- no clip angles)
(vertical brace " Section size " = any valid shape)
(" Input connection type " = ' Vbrc Plate ' or ' User defined ')
(" Gusset to supporting member " = ' Clip angle ')
(" Gusset to clip connection " = ' Bolted ' or ' Welded ')
" NS Clip Conn2 "
(shop ' Welded ' to the gusset)

" NS Clip Conn2 "
(shop ' Bolted ' to the gusset)

For the situation depicted in these illustrations, a negative (-) distance is entered to " Top of angle " and " Vertical to 1st hole ." The "top" of the NS clip angle is the clip angle's left edge.

Related locks,
vertical brace

Gusset 2 Point Square (angle vertical brace)
Gusset 2 Point Square (tee or channel vertical brace)
Gusset 2 Point (angle, tee or channel vertical brace)
Gusset 2 Point (HSS, pipe or tube vertical brace)
Gusset 2 Point (stem-vertical tee vertical brace)
Gusset 2 Point (wide flange vertical brace, paddle plate connection)
Gusset 2 Point (wide flange vertical brace, claw angles)
Gusset 2 Point (wide flange vertical brace, flange gussets)

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Connection design locks :

Locks not called out or dimensioned on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).

  NS/FS Clip Conn2
(vertical brace shared gusset plate, 2-point, to a beam)

Clip angle

Section size ( not depicted ):

Long leg to ( not depicted ):

Top of angle ( top ):

Length of angle ( length ):

Connection to supported (gusset clip angle, NS or FS, leg welded or bolted to the gusset plate) :

When " Connection specifications " > " Gusset to clip connection " is set to ' Welded ', you get a " Weld size " entry field, but no options for bolting:

Weld size ( weld ): The weld size used to shop weld the " NS Clip Conn2 " or " FS Clip Conn2 " clip angle to the gusset plate (see example ).

When " Gusset to clip connection " is set to ' Bolted ', you get the following " Connection to supported " options for shop bolting the brace to the gusset plate. " Connection to supported " settings can be different than the entries made to " Connection to supporting " fields.

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

diameter of leg-to gusset shop bolts

Hole type ( not depicted ):


Vertical to 1st hole:

Vertical hole spacing:

Top vertical edge distance:

Bottom vertical edge distance:

Horizontal to 1st hole ( gol ):

Connection to supporting (2-point gusset clip angle, NS or FS, leg that shop bolts to the supporting beam) :

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

diameter of shop bolts for the leg to the beam

Hole type ( not depicted ):


Vertical to 1st hole ( vert to 1st ):

Vertical hole spacing ( spacing ): The entry made here can be one vertical spacing distance or variable hole spacing. See the video and table below.

VIDEO Variable hole spacing can be typed to locked " Vertical hole spacing " fields found in leaves named " Shear Tab "; " Bent Plate " " End Plate " and " NS/FS Clip ." (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.)

Rows Spacing Result
5 3,5,3,3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3"
5 3,5,2@3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3"
5 3,5,3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3"
(the last spacing -- 3 -- is repeated to fill the spaces that are required for the number of rows)
5 3,5,3,3,2,3 End connection failure message (see below).

End connection failure message: Variable row spacing specifies too many rows

Top vertical edge distance ( top ed ):

Bottom vertical edge distance ( btm ed ):

Horizontal to 1st hole ( horz to 1st ):

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