" Brace Connection To Gusset " connection design locks

A stem-vertical W tee vertical brace field bolts to its gusset plate per choices made to " Brace Connection To Gusset " locks. Since the brace's " Connection type " is ' Coped flange ', the W tee's flange is cut flush to the side of the web (NS or FS) that the gusset will bolt to. The gusset shop attaches to a column.

(stem-vertical WT vertical brace, field bolted to gusset, to a column)
(vertical brace " Section size " = W tee)
(" Stem orientation " = ' Vertical ')
 (" Stem direction " = ' Down ' or ' Up ')
(" Input connection type " = ' Vbrc plate ' or ' User defined ')
(" Connection type " = ' Coped flange ')
(" Side of gusset " = ' Near side ' or ' Far side ')
" Brace Connection To Gusset "
(hole pattern for field bolts)

The WT brace field bolts to the gusset plate. The gusset plate can shop weld to the column (" Weld Conn2 ") or shop bolt with a clip angle (" NS/FS Clip Conn2 "). A wide flange column is shown, but the column can also be other material types .

Related locks :
Gusset One Member
Brace Connection To Gusset Wtee
Weld Conn2 (alternative to " NS/FS Clip Conn2 ")
NS/FS Clip Conn2 (alternative to " Weld Conn2 ")

user defined | vertical brace edit | top

Connection design locks :

Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).

  Brace Connection To Gusset
( wide flange vertical brace, web field bolted to gusset, to a column )

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

Hole type ( not depicted ):


Distance to 1st hole along brace ( to 1st hole ):

Hole spacing along brace ( row spacing ):

Edge distance along brace ( edge dist ):

Other edge distance along brace ( other edge dist ):


Distance to 1st hole perpendicular to brace ( not depicted ):

Hole spacing perpendicular to brace ( column spacing ):

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