The Washer Settings window

Options on this window are read-only. They tell you how this window has been set up for this Job in a full-featured SDS2 program .

  • To open Washer Settings
  • In a full-featured SDS2 program , when a " Bolt type " is selected for a particular connection, washers are automatically associated with that bolt type. The Washer Settings window lets users define the type, numbers and placement of washers for various bolt types and hole types. Users can even assign shop bolts different types of washers than field bolts of the same type.

Also see :

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To open Washer Settings :

Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Washer Settings .

Method 2 : In Modeling or the Drawing Editor , choose Settings > Job Settings > Washer Settings (classic), or use a keyboard shortcut , or click the icon.

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------ Washer thicknesses ------

This section of the Washer Settings window tells you the thicknesses of washers to be used in the current Job .

The thickness of each washer type (" Flat washers " or " Hardened washers " or " Double-thickness hardened " or " Bevel washers " or " Plate washers " (round plate, square plate) or " Heavy plate washers " or " Direct tension indicator ") can be in the primary dimension " Units " or other units .

Washer thicknesses are used for 3D modeling and to calculate " Bolt stick-through ."

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------ Bolt types ------

Select the bolt type that you want to review.

Each bolt type may be assigned a different set of washers for shop bolting or field bolting through various hole types.

Each bolt type that is listed was originally defined in the Bolt Specifications .

The " Connection design method " lets you know which tab in the Bolt Specifications defines the bolt types that are listed on this window ( Washer Settings ). Of course, it also tells you which " Connection design method " is selected in Design Settings (setup).

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------ Shop bolts ------

The fields under the heading " Shop Bolts " assign washers to bolts that are designated to fasten structural members and their submaterials together in the shop (shop bolts).

Washers need to be set up for each different " Hole Type " (' Standard ', ' Short slot ', ' Long slot ', or ' Oversized ').

hole types

Types of " Washers Under Head " are defined separately from types of " Washers Under Nut " of the bolt. One , two or no washers may be placed under the head and/or under the nut. For one washer, select a type under the " Primary " position only. For two washers, select a type under both " Primary " and " Secondary " position. For no washers , select ' None ' for both the " Primary " and " Secondary " positions.

Types of washers that may be selected include ' None ' (no washer in that position) or ' Flat ' (for flat washers) or ' Hardened ' or ' Double thick hardened ' or ' Bevel ' or ' Square plate ' or ' H eavy plate ' or ' Direct tension indicator ' or ' Round plate '. You'll find washers listed in the " Remarks " column of the bill of material and in various shop and field bolt reports.


tension indicator

Connection design uses Double thick hardened (DTHD) and Heavy plate (HVPL) washers for A490 bolts that are greater than 1 inch in diameter when they are applied to slots or oversized holes -- this is not set up here, but is done automatically. See Table 6.1, AISC Thirteenth Edition , p. 16.2-41.

The box for " Use tension control (TC) bolts " is checked if the bolt is a TC bolt. A TC bolt is a bolt with a splined end extending beyond the threaded portion of the bolt. The bolt is installed using a special wrench that removes the splined end when the bolt is tightened to the proper tension. The option to " Use tension control (TC) bolts " is checked ( ) by default for "F" type bolts, which means that if the non-moment " Bolt type " is set to an "F" type, connection design will automatically design non-moment connections with TC bolts.

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------ Field bolts ------

Settings under " Field bolts " are exactly the same types of settings that can appear under the " Shop Bolts " heading.

The difference is that " Field Bolts " settings assign washers to bolts to be installed at the construction site (field bolts).

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