Bid Wizard ( Modeling )

Tool summary :

  • Exports an XLSX file suitable for import into Bid Wizard software. The file includes member information such as quantities, units of measurement (UOM), and sequences.

    YouTube video: Steel Erection Bid Wizard now integrates with SDS2 (via Steel Estimating Solutions's YouTube channel)
  • The Bid Wizard tool is a product of Steel Estimating Solutions ( ).
  • The Bid Wizard tool can be found in Modeling in the " Command group " called ' Toolbox ' in Toolbar Configuration (classic) or in the Ribbon Editor (lightning). It is available at no additional cost to SDS2 software users whose support accounts are current. For more information, contact your SDS2 sales representative.

An example of the Bid Wizard tool's output: an XLSX file, as viewed in Microsoft Excel.

Also see :

page 1 | contents | exporting | toolbox

   To use the Bid Wizard tool :

  • Preselection method: 1) Set the selection filter to ' Default ' or ' Members ' or ' Legacy Default '. 2) Use Select or Select+ (or draw an area box ) to select the members whose information you want to export. 3) Click the icon. 4) The Specify a File Path window will open. Choose a destination for the export file. 5) Press the "OK" button to export the XSLX file.
  • In-tool selection method: 1) Click the icon. 2) Select the members. 3) Press the Enter key or right-click ( Menu ) and choose " OK " on the context menu. 4) The Specify a File Path window will open. Choose a destination for the export file. 5) Press the "OK" button to export the XSLX file.

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