yes_or_no ( Parametric )

  • The buttons can be labeled, for example, "yes" or "no" or anything you like.

Also see :

Quick Notes

Examples :

In this script , no second or third argument are included in the yes_or_no("...") function. The result is an OK-Cancel dialog that returns 1 (for " OK ") and 0 (for " Cancel ").

 # No second or third argument entered for yes_or_no.
from param import yes_or_no 
response = yes_or_no("Do you want to continue") 
Dialog that appears when the above script is Run . Pressing " OK " returns 1. " Cancel " returns 0.

This next script marks as held ( mem1.MarkedForHold = "Held" ) the member ( mem1 ) that the user selects using MemberLocate() . A yes-no dialog then opens ( response = yes_or_no("...") ). The dialog returns 1 when the user presses the " Yes " button, causing the while test to remain true; the user is then prompted to select another member to mark as held. When the user presses " No ", the dialog returns 0 , and this causes the operation to end.

# Updates "Member hold status" of each selected member.
from member import MemberLocate 
from param import ClearSelection, yes_or_no 
response = 1 
while response == 1: 
    mem1 = MemberLocate("Select a member") 
    mem1.MarkedForHold = "Held" 
    response = yes_or_no("Mark another member as held?") 
print("You have ended this operation.")

This next script has second and third arguments in the yes_or_no() function. The second argument is "point" and returns "point" as a string. The third argument is pt3 and returns Point(0, 0, 0) , which is point 0, 0, 0 in the global coordinate system.

# Buttons in dialog are "point" and (0, 0, 0).
from point import PointLocate, Point 
from param import yes_or_no, Units Units("feet")                      #
sets output to decimal inches 
pt1 = PointLocate("Locate a point") 
pt3 = Point (0, 0, 0) 
var = yes_or_no("From point or origin?", "point", pt3) 
if var is "point": 
    pt2 = PointLocate("Locate another point") 
Dialog that appears when the above script is Run . Pressing " Point " returns point . 0, 0, 0 returns Point(0, 0, 0) .