The GroupMember module

PR 20672 Parametrics can prompt the user to locate group members. See LocateGroup and LocateGroups in the new GroupMember module . (v7.3)

To get help on the GroupMember module, you can use the SDS2 Python Prompt and the built-in Python functions dir() and help() :

SDS2 Python Prompt

>>> import GroupMember                # import the module
>>> dir(GroupMember)                     # do a dir() on the module name
['GetGroups', 'GetGroupsForMember', 'Group', 'LocateGroup', 'LocateGroups', 'Lock', 'UnlockIfMine', '__doc__', '__name__', '__package__']
>>> from GroupMember import *      # import functions from the module
>>> help(GetGroups)                          # get help on GetGroups
Help on built-in function GetGroups:

Return a list of all active groups in the job.
C++ signature:
GetGroups(void) -> boost::python::list

>>> help(GetGroupsForMember)       # get help on GetGroupsForMember
Help on built-in function GetGroupsForMember:

Returns a list of all groups containing a member.
C++ signature:
GetGroupsForMember(int member_number) -> boost::python::list

>>> help(LocateGroup)                        # get help on LocateGroup
Help on built-in function LocateGroup:

Prompt the user to locate a group and return the index of the selected group or 0 if one was not selected.
C++ signature:
LocateGroup(char*) -> int

>>> help(LocateGroups)                        # get help on LocateGroups
Help on built-in function LocateGroups:

Prompt the user to locate zero or more groups and return a list of selected Group objects.
C++ signature:
LocateGroups(std::string) -> boost::python::list

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