The Hash module

PR 29578 In parametrics, added two functions to the Hash module for computing member hashes. See help(Hash.ComputeMemberHash) and help(Hash.PiecemarkHashWOZoneSequence) for more information.

To get help on the Hash module, you can use the SDS2 Python Prompt and the built-in Python help() function :

SDS2 Python Prompt

>>> import Hash                                           # import the module
>>> help(Hash)                                             # get help on the Hash module
Help on module Hash:




class Hash(Boost.Python.instance)
| Method resolution order:
| Hash
| Boost.Python.instance
| __builtin__.object
| Methods defined here:
| Add(...)                                                            # help on the Add()
| Add( (Hash)arg1, (int)arg2) -> None
| Add( (Hash)arg1, (float)arg2 [, (float)arg3]) -> None
| Add( (Hash)arg1, (str)arg2) -> None
| Add( (Hash)arg1, (Point3D)arg2) -> None
| GetResult(...)                                                   # help on GetResult()
| GetResult( (Hash)arg1) -> int
| Reset(...)                                                         # help on Reset()
| Reset( (Hash)arg1) -> None
| __init__(...)
| __init__( (object)arg1) -> None
| __reduce__ = <unnamed Boost.Python function>(...)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes defined here:
| __instance_size__ = 12
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from Boost.Python.instance:
| __dict__
| __weakref__
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from Boost.Python.instance:
| __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of Boost.Python.class object>
| T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T

ComputeMemberHash( (object)member [, (bool)include_seq_zone=True [, (bool)include_group=True [, (bool)include_custom_properties=True]]]) -> int :
Compute the hash for a given member.
Optionally include sequence/zone, group, and custom properties.

PiecemarkHashWOZoneSequence( (object)member [, (bool)include_group=True [, (bool)include_custom_properties=True]]) -> int :
Compute the hash for a given member without zone and seqence.
Optionally include group and custom properties.

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