The CustomProperties module

PR 24017 Parametrics can set custom properties for members, materials, holes, bolts, and welds through the new SetProperties function of the CustomProperties module. This function allows parametrics to set multiple properties at one time which will result in a linear speed improvement when setting multiple properties per object relative to the alternatives in the member and mtrl_list modules which set one property at a time. (v7.3)

To get help on the CustomProperties module, you can use the SDS2 Python Prompt and the built-in Python functions dir() and help() :

SDS2 Python Prompt

>>> import CustomProperties                       # import the module
>>> dir(CustomProperties)                            # do a dir() on the module name
['EditMemberProperties', 'SetProperties', '__doc__', '__name__', '__package__']
>>> from CustomProperties import *           # import functions from the module
>>> help(SetProperties)                                # help on SetProperties
Help on built-in function SetProperties:

Example: SetProperties(model.member(1), [('SomeBooleanProperty',True), ('SomeIntProperty',0)])
C++ signature:
SetProperties(modelobject a_modelobject, boost::python::list property_value_pairs) -> void*

Example: SetProperties(GroupMember.Group(1), [('SomeBooleanProperty',True), ('SomeIntProperty',0)])
C++ signature:
SetProperties(Entry<24> a_group_object, boost::python::list property_value_pairs) -> void*