XlsxWriter (a Python module NOT authored by SDS2)

PR 36400 SDS2 software installs will now include pip and XlsxWriter Python module installs. There are also items on the Start Menu for these installers. (SDS2 software v2015)

XlsxWriter is a Python module that is distributed by SDS2. It can be used to create Excel XLSX files. Searching "XlsxWriter" in a search engine such as Google finds extensive documentation on how to use this Python module. You can also use the built-in Python functions dir() and help() to get documentation.

SDS2 Python Prompt

>>> import xlsxwriter                             # import the module
>>> dir(xlsxwriter)                                 # do a dir() on the module name
['Workbook', '__VERSION__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__version__', 'app', 'chart', 'chart_area', 'chart_bar', 'chart_column', 'chart_doughnut', 'chart_line', 'chart_pie', 'chart_radar', 'chart_scatter', 'chart_stock', 'chartsheet', 'comments', 'compatibility', 'contenttypes', 'core', 'drawing', 'format', 'packager', 'relationships', 'shape', 'sharedstrings', 'styles', 'table', 'theme', 'utility', 'vml', 'workbook', 'worksheet', 'xmlwriter']
>>> help(xlsxwriter.chart_doughnut)                # get help on chart_doughnut
Help on module xlsxwriter.chart_doughnut in xlsxwriter:



# ChartDoughnut - A class for writing the Excel XLSX Doughnut charts.
# Copyright 2013-2015, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org

# use the python prompt to see the rest of this documentation

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