Replace Current Fabricator Settings ( Utility Functions )

  • The Replace Current Fabricator Settings utility can be used to overwrite the settings in your current Fabricator with values that are stored in another Fabricator. That other Fabricator may in another Job or in the fabs folder maintained in the SDS2 data directory .
  • Before beginning , you may want to change to a different Fabricator :
    • Home > press "fabname" > double-click the Fabricator you want.
  • Or you may want to Home > press "fabname" > create a new Fabricator.
  • Also, you may want to print a Fabricator Settings Report before and after this operation to confirm that the Replace Current Fabricator Settings operation successfully replaced the settings.
  • See the step-by-step instructions .

Also see :

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Step-by-step instructions :

1 . Start the Replace Current Fabricator Settings utility:

1a : Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Replace > Replace Current Fabricator Settings . If prompted to do so, enter the " Utility Password " that has been set up for your network.

2 . On the window that opens, click the " Job " or " External Fab " button, then press the "file cabinet" browse button ( ) to specify the " Source Fabricator " from which you want to copy values from.

The " Destination Fabricator " is the current Fabricator that is selected in your current Job. Choose a " Source Fabricator " by pressing the button.

Alternative 1 :

  1. Select the " Job" button if you want to select a Fabricator from a Job.
  2. A selection dialog will open with a list of all Fabricators in the Job repository wherein your current Job is stored.You may select a different Job repository if one has been set up. Select one Job.
  3. A selection dialog opens with a listing of all Fabricators stored in that Job. Double-click one Fabricator.
  4. The Fabricator you selected is now the " Source Fabricator ." Press the " OK " button to continue to step 3.

Alternative 2 :

  1. Select the " External Fab " radio button if you want to select a legacy, pre-v2015.xx, external Fabricator from the fabs folder maintained in the data directory used by your current version of this program.
  2. A selection dialog will open with a list of all Fabricators in the fabs folder. Double-click one Fabricator.
  3. The Fabricator you selected is now the " Source Fabricator ." Press the " OK " button to continue to step 3.

3 . A yes-no warning dialog opens. :

Replace values of Fabricator xxx with values from YYY?

Alternative 1 : Press the " Yes " button to replace settings in your current Fabricator (XXX in the example above) with settings from the Fabricator you selected in step 2 (YYY in the example above).

Alternative 2 : Press the " No " button to end the operation and keep your current Fabricator un altered.

Double-checking: A Fabricator Settings Report can help you confirm that the Replace Current Fabricator Settings operation successfully replaced settings that you wanted it to replace in your current Fabricator. Another way to confirm the results is to browse Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > ... .

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