Load Planning


  • Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements, and your hardware meets the minimum requirements to run the product.

  • Log into Windows as an Administrator or verify that you have Administrator rights to complete installation.

  • Read the Release Notes.

Follow these steps to complete your installation of SDS2 Load Planning.

  1. Download the latest version of SDS2 Load Planning from the SDS2 website, then launch the associated EXE file.

  2. A welcome window will appear. Click Next.

  3. When prompted, read the installation instructions. Click Next.

  4. Read the License Agreement and check, “I accept the terms of the License Agreement.” Click Next.

  5. For the Choose Components screen, SDS2 Load Planning Installation will be selected. Click Next.

  6. On the Choose Program Files Location screen, accept the default installation path or specify a new one as desired. Click Next.

  7. On the Choose Data Files Location screen, accept the default installation path or specify a new one as desired. Click Next.

  8. Either accept the default Start Menu program name or type in your own. Click Next.

  9. On the Select Installation Options screen, select the desired options. Click Next.

  10. On the Start Copying Files screen, verify your selected options, then click Install.

  11. A window will appear asking you to give the installation process permission to write data to your machine. Select Yes. The installation will continue.

  12. Click Next.

  13. On the final screen, you can optionally select to Start SDS2 Load Planning. Click Close to finish the installation.

If you need further assistance, contact SDS2 Support at 888-883-2492 or send an e-mail to: support@sds2.com.