Note Viewer ( Modeling )
Tool summary :
Also see :
- Modeling (where you can open the Note Viewer )
- Notes (topic)
- Notes ( Display Options )
- Predefined Note Tags ( Home > Project Settings > Job )
- Edit Note xxx (a window that opens when you double-click a note)
- Add Note to Model (related tool)
- Copy Notes (related tool)
- Move Notes (related tool)
- Using Model Notes in v7.3 (YouTube) (
- Notes in Edit Properties (unrelated)
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Step-by-step instructions :
1 (optional) Before opening this window:
2 . To open this window (in Modeling ):
Method 1 : Click the Note Viewer icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Model ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).
Method 2 : If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Model > Note Viewer .
Method 3, 4 or 5 : Note Viewer can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface .
3 . While in the Note Viewer :
- Press the " OK " button or the Esc key or the
button. If you made changes to a note by double-clicking its entry to access its Edit Note xxx window, the changes made to that note will be retained.
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To filter the list :
Type: Member or Model or Project . The type of note that you want to be filtered in the list of notes .
A ' Member ' note is a note that is attached to a member. If you Move... (or Move... ) the member, the note will move with that member. If you Delete the member, the note is also deleted. A member note is displayed in the model when "
Notes " is checked in Display Options . You can make a note into a ' Member ' note by checking the box for "
Show in model " on the Edit Note xxx window, then pressing the " Link " button and selecting the member you want to link the note to.
A ' Model ' note is a note that is displayed in the model when "
Notes " is checked in Display Options .
A ' Project ' note can only be viewed in the Note Viewer . You can view other types of notes by double-clicking on them in the model, but not a ' Project ' note. A note can be made into a ' Project ' note by unchecking the box for "
Show in model " on the Edit Note xxx window.
Member: This applies when ' Member ' is selected as the " Type ." Pressing this button opens a selection dialog, from which you can select a range of members.
The notes of those members which you select will be listed in the list of notes .
Discipline: One or more tags that have been applied to notes can be selected here. To select multiple tags, hold down the Shift key or the Ctrl key. Holding down the Ctrl key and clicking selected items so that none are selected stops the list of notes from being filtered by " Discipline " tags.
The " Discipline " tag(s) that you select cause the list of notes to show only notes with those tags.
For example, if the tags " Detailer " and " Engineer " and " Erector " and " Fabricator " are available at Home > Project Settings > Job > Predefined Note Tags , but only the tags " Detailer " and " Engineer " have actually been applied to notes, then only " Detailer " and " Engineer " can be selected here. If you select " Detailer ," then the list of notes will show only notes with the " Detailer " tag.
Status: One or more tags that have been applied to notes can be selected here. To select multiple tags, hold down the Shift key or the Ctrl key. Holding down the Ctrl key and clicking selected items so that none are selected stops the list of notes from being filtered by " Status " tags.
The " Status " tag(s) that you select cause the list of notes to show only notes with those tags.
For example, if the tags " Active " and " Approved " and " Cancelled " and " New "" and " Pending " and " Referred "" and " Resolved " and " Reviewed " are available at Home > Project Settings > Job > Predefined Note Tags , but only the tags " New " and " Approved " have actually been applied to notes, then only " Detailer " and " Engineer " can be selected here. If you select " Approved ," then the list of notes will show only notes with the " Approved " tag.
Note: The status tags applied to notes are fully independent of, and unrelated to, member status flags.
Custom: One or more tags that have been applied to notes can be selected here. To select multiple tags, hold down the Shift key or the Ctrl key. Holding down the Ctrl key and clicking selected items so that none are selected stops the list of notes from being filtered by " Custom " tags.
The " Custom " tag that you select causes the list of notes to show only notes with that tag.
For example, if the tags " vvv " and " www " and " xxx " and " yyy "" and " zzz " are available at Home > Project Settings > Job > Predefined Note Tags , but only the tags " xxx " and " yyy " have actually been applied to notes, then only " xxx " and " yyy " can be selected here. If you select " xxx ," then the list of notes will show only notes with the " xxx " tag.
Search: Any string of characters may be entered as a search.
The characters that you enter cause the list of notes to show only notes with those characters. Note Viewer searches the " ID " and " Subject " and " Last Modified " and " By " and " Status " strings of each note to see if there is a match to the " Search " string that you enter.
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Columns on the list :
ID: A number assigned to a note . Each note is assigned an unique number, and that number will be retained by the note throughout the note's life. If a note is deleted, a subsequently added new note may be assigned the deleted note's number.
Subject: The user-entered string of characters which was entered to the note . You can change the " Subject " of a particular note by entering a different " Subject " on that note's window.
Last Modified: A date that is entered automatically
By: A user name . This is the login name of the person who changed the note when it was " Last Modified ."
Status: A tag that was applied to the note by the person whose name is listed next to " By ".