Set Selection Filter Expression ( Modeling )
Tool summary :
- Opens the Selection Filter by Expression window, which can be used to reset the expression used when ' By Expression ' is the selection filter.
The Selection Filter by Expression window is an exact copy of the Advanced Selection window. Click any of the following links for information from the help file for that window. To set the selection filter expression for the first time: First open the Set Selection Filter window. On that window, click ' By Expression ' (which is near the bottom of the list). Or do what you would do to re-set the selection filter. Either way, the window shown above opens. On it, you can set the filter expression.
To re-set the selection filter expression: While in Modeling , click the " Set Selection Filter Expression " icon, or choose Set Selection Filter Expression on the Model menu.
icon found in ' Selection ' command group
or choose Model > Set Selection Filter Expression Example: You choose ' By Expression ' as the selection filter, then draw an area box (
) to select items. The filter selects from all of the items in the area box a subset of items for which the expression you wrote (or opened) is true. Click here for more detailed, step-by-step instructions.
Tip 1: You don't necessarily have to write your own expressions. Just press the " Open ... " button to load a selection script that has already been created.
Tip 2: Right-click ( Menu ) then choose " Edit " on the context menu to edit the items you have selected.
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