The Dimension Settings window ( Fabricator Settings )
- Tabs:
- Settings applied here, to the Dimension Settings window, are stored in your current Fabricator . A not necessarily duplicate set of Dimension Settings will apply when you " Change Fabricator ."
Also see :
- Automatic detailing (affected by this window)
- Member details (most settings apply to this drawing type only)
- Ctrl key (hold down to "tear off" a tab)
page 1 | contents | home > project settings > detailing > | classic
To open the Dimension Settings window :
Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings .
Methods 2, 3 & 4 : In Modeling or the Drawing Editor , choose Settings > Fabricator Settings > Dimension Settings (classic) , or use a keyboard shortcut , or click the icon.
Password protection: If a password has been set using the Change Setup Password utility, you can open this window only if you first enter that exact password.
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General | Beam | Column | Brace | Miscellaneous |
Dimension terminals: Arrow or Slash . The selection made here applies to all drawings that currently exist in your current Job as well as to yet-to-be-created drawings.
Note: If you change this setting, you do not have to re-detail. Your change is applied to currently generated drawings.
Submaterial sloping hole layout dimensions to: Farthest hole or On workline or Nearest hole or None . This sets the dimensioning reference point for the sloping hole group of a submaterial. It applies when you Detail Members . The dimensions shown in the following illustrations were adjusted to save space. Also, dimensions not controlled by this field were deleted. You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
The ' Farthest hole ' is the hole in the submaterial that is farthest from the workline of the member depicted in the detail. ' On workline ' refers to the member line of the framing member, not the member in the detail. The ' Nearest hole ' is the hole that is closest to the member's workline.
' None ' turns off dimensioning of this type. None of the dimensions shown in the above illustrations are generated during Detail Members when ' None ' is selected.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Submaterial sloping hole layout dimensions to "
Main material sloping hole layout dimensions to: Farthest hole or On workline or Nearest hole or None . The dimensions shown in the following illustrations were adjusted to save space. Also, dimensions not controlled by this field were deleted. You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
The ' Farthest hole ' is the hole in the main material that is farthest from the work line of the member. ' On workline ' refers to the work line of the framing member, not the member in the detail. The ' Nearest hole ' is the hole that is closest to the member's workline.
' None ' turns off dimensioning of this type. None of the dimensions shown in the above illustrations are generated during Detail Members when ' None ' is selected. Tip: You can still select various " Main material sloping hole extension dimensions " if you like.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Main material sloping hole layout dimensions to "
Main material sloping hole extension dimensions: Top, left hole and/or Bottom, left hole and/or Bottom, right hole and/or Top, right hole . The dimensions shown in the following illustrations were adjusted to save space. Also, dimensions not controlled by this field were deleted. The selection made here applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
Note 1: These buttons control the dimension from the workline of the member to the hole as well as the position of the extension dimensions. When selected, the buttons turn blue. Any combination of the buttons may be selected.
Note 2: These options may be used when " Main material sloping hole layout dimensions to " is set to ' None ' or ' Farthest hole ' or etc.
Note 3: If one or more of these buttons are selected, Detail Members draws extension dimensions even if " Show extension dimensions " is not checked.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Main material sloping hole extension dimensions "
Show point to point distance on main dimension: or
. The choice made here applies to the details of the members whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
Point to point distance is the distance between the two work points of the member. It is equal to the overall dimension plus the minus dimension. |
If this box is checked (
), the point to point distance will be shown in parenthesis on the main dimension line on subsequently detailed members.
If the box is not checked (
), the point to point distance will not be shown.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show point to point distance on main dimension "
Show material grade on main dimension: or
. The choice made here applies to the details of members whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), the steel grade of the member's main material will be shown on the main dimension of its detail.
If the box is not checked (
), the steel grade will not be shown.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show material grade on main dimension "
Show "on radius" dimension for arc dimensions: or
. This applies when you Detail Members . It also applies when you Objects > Arc Dimensions > Add in the Drawing Editor . You can, potentially, override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), both the radius of the arc and the distance on the circle between the two points being measured with the arc dimension will be displayed on subsequently generated arc dimensions. You can override this setting on individual arc dimensions by unchecking the box for "
Radius " on the Edit Arc Dimension window.
If the box is not checked (
), only the distance on the circle between the two points being measured will be displayed on subsequently added arc dimensions. You can override this setting on individual arc dimensions by checking the box for "
Radius " in the Edit Arc Dimension window.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show "on radius" dimension for arc dimensions "
Show angle dimension for arc dimensions: No or as Degrees or as Radians or as Degrees, Minutes and Seconds . This applies to all arc dimensions on subsequently auto detailed members and submaterials. It also applies when you Objects > Arc Dimensions > Add in the Drawing Editor .
' No '
' as Degrees ' ' as Radians ' ' as Degr, Min, Sec ' ' No ' sets angle dimensions to not be displayed by default. In the Drawing Editor , you can override this setting on individual arc dimensions by checking the box for " Angle " in the Edit Arc Dimension window.
' as Degrees ' sets angle dimensions to be measured in degrees.
' as Radians ' sets angle dimensions to be measured in degrees.
' as Degrees, Minutes and Seconds ' sets angle dimensions to be measured in degrees.
Note 1: If you change the angle unit setting from, for example, ' as Degrees ' to ' as Radians ', currently generated drawings that display the arc dimension in degrees will not be changed until you do something that triggers the old measurement to be recalculated. For example, you could edit the dimension, turn off the display of angle dimensions, then turn their display back on.
Note 2: For arc dimensions on subsequently auto detailed members and submaterials, the settings ' as Degrees ' and ' as Radians ' and ' as Degrees, Minutes and Seconds ' automatically check the box for "
Angle " on the Edit Arc Dimension window. ' None ' unchecks the box for "
Angle " on subsequently generated details and, if you later change that setting to "
Angle " on any of those details, the measurement applied will be degrees.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show angle dimension for arc dimensions "
Break dimension lines at label interference: or
. The selection made here applies (when you press " OK ") to all drawings that currently exist in your current Job as well as to yet-to-be-created drawings.
If this box is checked (
), dimension lines become discontinuous (invisible) where they would overlap interfering labels or dimension labels. The dimension line remains a single entity, not divided into segments. If the interfering label or dimension label is Moved or Erased so that the original interference no longer exists, only a Redraw is needed to have the dimension line displayed as a continuous, unbroken line. To override this choice on individual drawings: The settings " Breakable dimension leg(s) " ( Edit Dimension window) and " Breaks lines " ( Label Edit window) and " Breaks lines " ( Edit Dimension window) can be reset on details to override the breaking of lines.
If the box is not checked (
), dimension lines are drawn through overlapping labels or dimension labels. Tip : If you allow overlapping, you'll probably want to print labels and dimension labels with a wide pen. Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Line Weights lets you set up the line thickness per drawing pen.
Note: If you change this setting, you do not have to re-detail. Your change is applied to currently generated drawings.
Break material lines at label interference: or
. The selection made here applies (when you press " OK ") to all drawings that currently exist in your current Job as well as to yet-to-be-created drawings.
If this box is checked (
), polygon sides (material lines) and lines become discontinuous (invisible) where they overlap interfering labels or dimension labels. The material line remains a single entity; it is not divided into segments. If the interfering label or dimension label is Moved or Erased so that the original interference no longer exists, the material line returns to being displayed as a continuous, unbroken line. This applies to all labels and dimension labels placed over material lines, regardless of whether they are user-added or system piecemarks. To override this choice on individual drawings: " Breakable " ( Polygon Sides Edit window) and " Breakable " ( Line Edit window) and " Breaks lines " ( Label Edit window) and " Breaks lines " ( Edit Dimension window) can be reset in the Drawing Editor to override the choice made here.
If the box is not checked (
), polygon sides (material lines) and lines are drawn through overlapping labels or dimension labels. Tip : If you allow overlapping, you'll probably want to print labels and dimension labels with a wide pen. Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Line Weights lets you set up the line thickness per drawing pen.
Note: If you change this setting, you do not have to re-detail. Your change is applied to currently generated drawings.
Break bevel lines at label interference: or
. The selection made here applies (when you press " OK ") to all drawings that currently exist in your current Job as well as to yet-to-be-created drawings.
If this box is checked (
), the bevel lines of bevel symbols become discontinuous (invisible) where they overlap interfering labels or dimension labels. Each line remains a single entity; it is not divided into segments. This applies to all labels and dimension labels placed over bevel lines, regardless of whether they are user-added or system piecemarks. To override this choice on individual drawings: " Breakable " ( Bevel Symbol window) and " Breaks lines " ( Label Edit window) and " Breaks lines " ( Edit Dimension window) can be reset on details to override the choice made here.
If the box is not checked (
), the bevel lines of bevel symbols are drawn through overlapping labels or dimension labels. Tip : If you allow overlapping, you'll probably want to print labels and dimension labels with a wide pen. Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Line Weights lets you set up the line thickness per drawing pen.
Note: If you change this setting, you do not have to re-detail. Your change is applied to currently generated drawings.
Combine dimensions across detail: or
. The selection made here applies (if applicable) to the details of members whose marks you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), dimensions between rows of holes in distinct hole groups are combined where possible. Member or submaterial details may take up less space as a result.
If the box is not checked (
), the dimensions between rows of holes in distinct hole groups are dimensioned separately.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Combine dimensions across detail "
Extension dimensions on submaterial details: or
. The selection made here applies, where applicable, to the details of submaterials whose marks you select when you Detail Submaterial . It applies regardless of whether or not you choose to " Detail using templates ".
If the box is checked (
), Detail Submaterial draws an extension dimension origin symbol (
) on the main view and, where appropriate, extension dimensions are drawn on the detail. Exception: When the submaterial detail of an angle does not show web near side as the main view, or if the detail shows material other than L , W , T , C , HSS round or HSS rectangular , Detail Submaterial does not draw an origin symbol.
If the box is not checked (
), neither extension dimensions nor the origin symbol will appear on subsequently detailed submaterials.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Extension dimensions on submaterial details "
Extension dimension tails on submaterial details: or
. This applies when you Detail Submaterial and the box is checked for " Extension dimensions on submaterial details ." It applies regardless of whether or not you choose to " Detail using templates ".
If this box is checked (
), the Detail Submaterial draws extension dimensions with tails where they fit. In general, the extension dimensions with tails are placed at the beginning of new hole groups.
If the box is not checked (
), Detail Submaterial draws extension dimensions parallel with dimension legs. If they fit, the extension dimensions are placed at each dimension leg to a hole.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Extension dimension tails on submaterial details "
Material point dimension holdback distance: Any distance from 0 to 2 inches ( 0 to 51 mm metric ) that you want dimension legs set back from the material. The selection made here applies to all drawings that currently exist in your current Job as well as to yet-to-be-created drawings.
Note: If you change this setting, you do not have to re-detail. Your change is applied to currently generated drawings.
------ Drawing Editor system-generated details and submaterial details restrictions ------
Lock outline layer: or
. This applies to all automatically detailed member details and submaterial details in your current Job. Automatic detailing is not required to have this option applied.
If the outline layer is locked, users are unable to alter it. This ensures that materials on the detail exactly represent their appearance in the 3D model. |
If this box is checked (
), you cannot make changes to materials, holes, bolts, or etc. that are on member details or submaterial details. This helps to ensure that details exactly match the model. On the Drawing Data window, there is an option that lets you temporarily " Override Drawing Editor restriction options . "
If the box is not checked (
), users can, for example, move holes or bolts on member or submaterial details, thus allowing them to make adjustments on shop drawings without first changing the model.
Warning: CNC downloads get their information from the 3D model , not from details. Do not make changes to details with the expectation that your changes will be reflected in CNC downloads.
Lock manual editing of dimension text: This applies to all dimensions on all automatically detailed member details and submaterial details in your current Job. Automatic detailing is not required to have this option applied. This does not apply to user-created member details, which can be created using the " New... " button or Save As or Save Reuse .
![]() |
When the " Label text " is locked, other settings on the Edit Dimension window remain editable. |
If this box is checked (
), you cannot manually edit " Label text " on the Edit Dimension window for any dimension -- even a user-added dimension -- if that dimension is on an automatically detailed member detail or submaterial detail. On the Drawing Data window, there is an option that lets you temporarily " Override Drawing Editor restriction options ." Also, you can still drag a dimension leg to change the calculated dimension " Label text ." This helps to ensure that the dimension " label text " is always accurately calculated to reflect the distance between the points being measured.
If the box is not checked (
), users can freely edit " Label text " on automatically detailed member details and submaterial details, just like they can on other types of drawings.
Display measurement unit for angle dimensions: as Degrees or
as Radians . An angle dimension includes " Label text " that is based on the arc between the two lines that the angle dimension is drawn between. " Display measurement unit for angle dimensions " sets whether the value for the " Label text " is calculated and expressed in degrees or radians.
as Degrees ' causes the " Label text " for newly added angle dimensions to be a number of degrees. The text will include the degree symbol (°).
as Radians ' causes the " Label text " for newly added angle dimensions to be a number of degrees. The text will include the word "radians".
Setup override: The " Measurement units " option on the Edit Angle Dimensions window is always set to the choice made here (' Degrees ' or ' Radians ') when an angle dimension is first added. After the angle dimension is added, the " Measurement units " can be changed.
Angle dimension precision: 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 . The number of places after the decimal point to which a calculated angle dimension will be rounded.
Same Angle, Different Precisions | ||
Precision | Degrees | Radians |
0 | 36 | 1 |
1 | 36.0 | 0.6 |
2 | 36.01 | 0.63 |
3 | 36.014 | 0.629 |
4 | 36.0140 | 0.6286 |
' 0 ' results in the angle dimension being expressed as a whole number. You might want to enter 0 as the precision if your " Display measurement unit for angle dimensions " is ' as Degrees '.
' 1 ' results it the angle dimension being expressed with 1 place after the decimal point (e.g., ' 36.0 ' degrees or ' 0.6 ' radians).
' 2 ' results it the angle dimension being expressed with 1 place after the decimal point (e.g., ' 36.01 ' degrees or ' 0.63 ' radians). This is the default since it allows sufficient precision for switching between degrees and radians.
Tip: Since 2π radians = 360°, you will probably want more places after the decimal point when the " Display measurement unit for angle dimensions " is ' as Radians ' as opposed to when it is set to ' as Degrees '.
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General | Beam | Column | Brace | Miscellaneous |
Options under this tab apply to beams whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . |
Show extension dimensions: or
. Extension dimensions are also known as running dimensions. This applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), then Detail Members draws extension dimensions on details of beams that are subsequently generated.
If the box is not checked (
), extension dimensions will not be shown on details of beams that are generated when you subsequently Detail Members .
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimensions "
Show extension dimension tails: or
. This applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
) and the box to " Show extension dimensions " on beam details is also checked, then the extension dimensions that auto detailing subsequently generates for beams will have tails.
If the box is not checked (
) when you subsequently Detail Members , extension dimension will not be shown with tails on beam details. Exception: In the case where omitting the tail would prevent the extension dimension from being drawn, the extension dimension will be drawn with a tail.
Effect on user-added dimensions: The default for " Show tails ," which applies to user-added dimensions, corresponds to the choice made here (checked or not checked) IF the drawing is a beam.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimension tails "
Show extension dimension origin: or
. This applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), then subsequently detailed beams are draw with a small target (
) to designate the point of origin from which extension dimensions are measured.
If the box is not checked (
), the origin symbol will not be shown on details of beams that are generated when you subsequently Detail Members .
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimension origin "
Dimension reference point on symmetrical web holes: or
. This applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), Detail Members dimensions the distance between the hole group reference point and the columns of holes in symmetrical web hole groups on beams.
If the box is not checked (
), Detail Members does not dimension the distance between the hole group reference point and the columns of web holes on beams.
Tip: To find a hole group's dimensioning reference point in Modeling or change its placement, use Set Hole Reference Point .
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Dimension reference point on symmetrical web holes "
Dimension reference point on symmetrical flange holes: or
. This applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), Detail Members dimensions the distance between the hole group reference point and the symmetrical flange holes on beams.
If the box is not checked (
) Detail Members does not dimension the distance between the hole group reference point and the symmetrical flange holes on beams.
Tip: To find a hole group's dimensioning reference point in Modeling or change its placement, use Set Hole Reference Point .
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Dimension reference point on symmetrical flange holes "
Show chain dimensions between hole groups: or
. This applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), then -- for beams -- Detail Members generates dimensions from the end of the first hole group to the beginning of the next hole group, and so on ...
If the box is not checked (
), then -- for beams -- Detail Members does not generate "chain dimensions" between hole groups.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show chain dimensions between hole groups "
Show extension dimension from: Left or Right . If ' Left ' is selected and " Extension dimensions " are designated to be drawn on beam details, then extension dimensions will be from the left end of the beam. If ' Right ' is selected, dimensioning will be from the right end of the beam. The selection you make here will be applied to any beams whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimension from "
Extension dimensions from (bolted connection): End of beam or Face of conn . This applies to any beams with bolted end connections whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . Extension dimensions for beams with bolted connections will be calculated from the position specified here. You can, potentially, override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
For both examples, the box is checked for " ![]() |
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Extension dimensions from (bolted connection) "
Extension dimensions from (welded connection): End of beam or Face of conn . This applies to any beams with welded end connections whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . Extension dimensions for beams with welded connections will be calculated from the position specified here. You can, potentially, override the position chosen here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
For both examples, the box is checked for " ![]() |
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Extension dimensions from (welded connection) "
Copes dimensioned from: End of beam or Face of conn . This applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
' End of beam ' sets copes to be dimensioned from the end of the beam.
' Face of conn ' sets copes to be dimensioned from the face of the connection (clip angle, end plate, etc.).
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Copes dimensioned from "
Show end of beam to face of clip angle dimension: or
. The selection made here applies to any beams with clip angles whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members .
If this box is checked (
), then -- for beams -- Detail Members dimensions the face of the clip angle to the end of the beam.
If the box is not checked (
), this dimension is not calculated for beams that subsequently undergo Detail Members .
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General | Beam | Column | Brace | Miscellaneous |
Options under this tab apply to columns whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . |
Show extension dimensions: or
. Extension dimensions are also known as running dimensions. This applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), Detail Members generates extension dimensions for columns.
If the box is not checked (
) Detail Members does not generate extension dimensions for columns.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimensions "
Show extension dimension tails: or
. This applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
) and the box to " Show extension dimensions " on column details is also checked, then the extension dimensions that auto detailing subsequently generates for columns will have tails.
If the box is not checked (
), extension dimension will not be shown with tails on details of columns that are generated when you subsequently Detail Members . Exception: In the case where omitting the tail would prevent the extension dimension from being drawn, the extension dimension will be drawn with a tail.
Effect on user-added dimensions: The default for " Show tails ," which applies to user-added dimensions, corresponds to the choice made here (checked or not checked) IF the drawing is a column.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimension tails "
Show extension dimension origin: or
. This applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), Detail Members draws a small target (
) to designate the point of origin from which extension dimensions for columns are measured.
If the box is not checked (
), the origin symbol will not be shown on details of columns that are generated when you subsequently Detail Members .
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimension origin "
Dimension reference point on symmetrical web holes: or
. This applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), Detail Members dimensions the distance between the hole group reference point and the columns of holes in symmetrical web hole groups on columns.
If the box is not checked (
), Detail Members does not dimension the distance between the hole group reference point and the columns of web holes on columns.
Tip: To find a hole group's reference point in Modeling or change its placement, use the Set Hole Reference Point command.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Dimension reference point on symmetrical web holes "
Dimension reference point on symmetrical flange holes: or
. This applies when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), Detail Members dimensions the distance between the hole group reference point and the symmetrical flange holes on columns.
If the box is not checked (
) Detail Members does not dimension the distance between the hole group reference point and the symmetrical flange holes on columns.
Tip: To find a hole group's reference point in Modeling or change its placement, use the Set Hole Reference Point command.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Dimension reference point on symmetrical flange holes "
Show chain dimensions between hole groups: or
. This applies to the details of columns whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates . If the box is checked (
), then dimensions will be added from the end of the first hole group to the beginning of the next hole group, and so on . . .
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show chain dimensions between hole groups "
Show extension dimensions from: Top or Bottom . The selection made here applies to any columns whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If ' Top ' is selected, the point of origin for extension dimensions newly generated during auto detailing will be from the top of the column.
If ' Bottom ' is selected, the point of origin will be from the bottom of the column.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimensions from "
Extension dimensions from: Top of plate or Bottom of plate . The selection made here applies to any columns with base or cap plates whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
' Top of plate ' instructs auto detailing to calculate the extension dimension from the top of the cap plate if extension dimensions are designated to be taken from the top of the column . If extension dimensions are taken from the bottom of the column, they will be measured from the top of the base plate.
' Bottom of plate ' instructs auto detailing to calculate the extension dimension from the bottom of the base plate when extension dimensions are designated to be taken from the bottom of the column and If extension dimensions are taken from the top of the column, they will be measured from the bottom of the cap plate.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Extension dimensions from "
Overall dimensions from ( cap plate ): Top of plate or Bottom of plate . The selection made here applies when you Detail Members and select columns with cap plates. You can override the selection made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
' Top of plate ' sets the overall dimension of the column to be calculated from the top of the cap plate for automatically detailed member details of columns.
' Bottom of plate ' sets the overall dimension of the column to be calculated from the bottom of the cap plate.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Overall dimensions from (cap plate) "
Overall dimensions from ( base plate ): Top of plate or Bottom of plate . The selection made here applies when you Detail Members and select columns with base plates. You can override the selection made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates . .
' Top of plate ' sets the overall dimension to be calculated from the top of the base plate.
' Bottom of plate ' sets the overall dimension of the column to be calculated from the bottom of the base plate for automatically detailed member details of columns.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Overall dimensions from (base plate) "
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General | Beam | Column | Brace | Miscellaneous |
Options under the " Brace " tab are split into separate sections for " Horizontal braces " and " Vertical braces ." |
------ Horizontal braces ------
Options under this heading apply to horizontal braces whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . See below for documentation on similar options that apply to vertical braces. |
Show extension dimensions: Same as " Show extension dimensions " for vertical braces, except that this option applies to horizontal braces.
Show extension dimension tails: Same as " Show extension dimension tails " for vertical braces, except that this option applies to horizontal braces.
Effect on user-added dimensions: The default for " Show tails ," which applies to user-added dimensions, matches the choice made here (checked or not checked) if the drawing is a horizontal brace.
Show extension dimension origin: Same as " Dimension extension dimension origin " for vertical braces, except that this option applies to horizontal braces.
Dimension reference point on symmetrical web holes: Same as " Dimension reference point on symmetrical web holes " for vertical braces, except that this option applies to horizontal braces.
Dimension reference point on symmetrical flange holes: Same as " Dimension reference point on symmetrical flange holes " for vertical braces, except that this option applies to horizontal braces.
Show chain dimensions between hole groups: Same as " Show chain dimensions between hole groups " for vertical braces, except that this option applies to horizontal braces.
Show extension dimensions from: Same as " Show extension dimensions from " for vertical braces, except that this option applies to horizontal braces.
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Options under this heading apply to vertical braces whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . See above for documentation on similar options that apply to horizontal braces. |
Show extension dimensions: or
. Extension dimensions are also known as running dimensions. This applies to vertical braces that you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), Detail Members generates extension dimensions on vertical brace details.
If the box is not checked (
), extension dimensions will not be shown on details of vertical brace details that are generated the next time you Detail Members .
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimensions "
Show extension dimension tails: or
. This applies to vertical braces that you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
) and the box is checked for " Show extension dimensions " is also checked for vertical braces, then Detail Members adds tails to the extension dimensions on vertical brace details that it generates.
If the box is not checked (
), extension dimension will not be shown with tails on details of vertical braces that are generated the next time you Detail Members . Exception: In the case where omitting the tail would prevent the extension dimension from being drawn, the extension dimension will be drawn with a tail.
Effect on user-added dimensions: The default for " Show tails ," which applies to user-added dimensions, matches the choice made here (checked or not checked) if the drawing is a vertical brace.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimension tails "
Show extension dimension origin: or
. This applies to vertical braces that you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), Detail Members draws a small target (
) to show the point of origin for extension dimensions on vertical braces.
If the box is not checked (
), the origin symbol are not shown on details of vertical braces that are generated the next time you Detail Members .
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimension origin "
Dimension reference point on symmetrical web holes: or
. This applies to vertical braces that you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), Detail Members dimensions the distance between the hole group reference point and the columns of holes in symmetrical web hole groups on vertical braces.
If the box is not checked (
), Detail Members does not dimension the distance between the hole group reference point and the columns of web holes on vertical braces.
Tip: To find a hole group's reference point in Modeling or change its placement, use Set Hole Reference Point .
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Dimension reference point on symmetrical web holes "
Dimension reference point on symmetrical flange holes: or
. This applies to vertical braces that you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), Detail Members dimensions the distance between the hole group reference point and the symmetrical flange holes on vertical braces.
If the box is not checked (
), Detail Members does not dimension the distance between the hole group reference point and the symmetrical flange holes on vertical braces.
Tip: To find a hole group's reference point in Modeling or change its placement, use Set Hole Reference Point .
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Dimension reference point on symmetrical flange holes "
Show chain dimensions between hole groups: or
. This applies to vertical braces that you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
), then -- for vertical braces -- Detail Members dimensions from the end of the first hole group to the beginning of the next hole group, and so on . . .
If the box is not checked (
) then -- for vertical braces -- Detail Members does not generate "chain dimensions" between hole groups.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show chain dimensions between hole groups "
Show extension dimensions from: Left or Right . This applies to any vertical braces whose piecemarks you select when you Detail Members . You can, potentially, override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates . If ' Left ' is selected, then the point of origin for an extension dimension on a vertical brace detail newly generated during automatic detailing will be from the left end of the brace.
Extension dimensions from left : |
![]() |
Extension dimensions from right : |
![]() |
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimensions from "
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General | Beam | Column | Brace | Miscellaneous |
Show extension dimension tails: or
. This applies to legacy miscellaneous members and miscellaneous members that you select when you Detail Members . You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
If this box is checked (
) and you Open a drawing of a miscellaneous member in the Drawing Editor , the box for " Show tails " will be checked by default. " Show tails " applies to user-added dimensions.
If the box is not checked (
) and you Open a drawing of a miscellaneous member in the Drawing Editor , the box for " Show tails " will not be checked. " Show tails " applies to user-added dimensions.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Show extension dimension tails "
------ Rolled plate widths ------
Rolled plate width dimension taken from: Outside or Center or Inside . This affects the " Unrolled width " of a rolled plate and is used in the material " Description " on the General Information window and in the " Description " in the member bill of material. The " Unrolled width " of the plate is also included in the plate section callout on the plate's submaterial detail .
' Outside ' | ' Center ' | ' Inside ' |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
' Outside ' causes the " Unrolled width " of the rolled plate to be measured along the outside arc of the roll.
' Center ' causes the " Unrolled width " of the rolled plate to be measured along the neutral axis of the rolled plate.
' Inside ' causes the " Unrolled width " of the rolled plate to be measured along the inside arc of the roll.
------ Bent plate lengths ------
Bent plate lengths calculated: At centerline for all plate thickness or
Custom K factors . . The choice made here affects the " Description " on the General Information window in Modeling and the " Description " in the member bill of material. Lengths of bent plates in CNC download files are also based on the choices made here.
At centerline for all plate thickness ' is the default and represents the method that SDS2 programs traditionally used to calculate bent plate lengths. Per LRFD 3rd Edition, p 10-173, "The length of the plate is measured on its mid-thickness, without regard to the radius of its bend."
Custom K factors ' results in the length of the bent plate being calculated using the K factor in the "Custom K factors" table. In that table, a K factor is assigned to a range of plate thickness. Here is a link that explains the K factor: .
A "K factor" is a ratio that quantifies how the thickness of a bent plate material is distributed around its neutral axis. Note: If you were to choose ' Custom K factors ' and to enter ' 0.5 ' for all K factor entries on the table, the results you would get would be the same as if you were to choose ' At centerline for all plate thicknesses '. This is because a K factor of 0.5 indicates that the neutral axis is at the exact center of the thickness.
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To close Dimension Settings :
"OK" (or the Enter key) closes the Dimension Settings window and saves the settings on it to the current Fabricator . They will be applied in your current Job whenever that Fabricator is your current Fabricator. To change to a different Fabricator , Home > press "fabname" > double-click the Fabricator you want.
Note 1: In most cases, if you make changes to the Dimension Settings Setup window, you must Detail Members again to redraw existing details as you have specified here.
Note 2: If you changed the setting for " Dimension terminals " or " Break dimension lines at label interference " or " Break material lines at label interference " or " Break bevel lines at label interference " or " Material point dimension holdback distance " or " Lock outline layer " or " Lock manual editing of dimension text ," automatic detailing is not required. Your change will be seen in all Drawing Editor drawings as soon as you press " OK ." Also, the default setting for " Extension dimension type " is reset if you have changed the " Show extension dimension tail " setting under the " Beam " tab or " Column " tab or " Brace " tab or " Miscellaneous " tab.
"Cancel" (or the Esc key or the button) closes this window without saving any changes made to it.
"Reset" undoes all changes made to this window since you first opened it. The window remains open.
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