The Schedule of Minimums for Structural Members ( Job Settings )
Also see :
- Clip angles (schedule influences design of)
- Setup of clip angle connections (index)
- Bent plates (schedule influences design of)
- Setup for bent plate connections (index)
- End plates (schedule influences design of)
- Setup of end plates (index)
- Beam-to-beam splice plates (schedule influences design of)
- Setup for beam splice connections (index)
- Moment connections (including shear plates are designed using this schedule)
- Shear tab (schedule influences top to 1st hole dimension of)
- Setup for shear connections (index)
- Connection design (affected by entries made to this schedule)
- Text entry widgets (moving from cell to cell and within cells)
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To open the Schedule of Minimums for Structural Members :
Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Schedule of Minimums for Structural Members .
Methods 2, 3 & 4 : In Modeling or the Drawing Editor , choose Settings > Job Settings > Schedule of Minimums for Structural Members (classic), or use a keyboard shortcut , or click the icon.
Password protection: If a password has been set using the Change Setup Password utility, you can open this window only if you first enter that exact password.
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Columns on the Schedule of Minimums :
Nominal Depth: The nominal depth of the beam (a distance ). This applies to beams using wide flange or channel section sizes.
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A beam's nominal depth may be different from (although it typically will be close to) the actual depth of the beam. |
Note: Each section size has a " Nominal depth " associated with it in the local shape file .
Bolt Diameter: The diameter (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) of the shank of the bolts that attach the clip angle , bent plate , end plate , moment shear plate , or beam-to-beam splice plate to the main material of the beam with the particular " Nominal Depth " specified on this row of this table.
diameter |
![]() |
Effect on connection design: The diameter entered here is the minimum bolt diameter that connection design can use for beam's of the specified nominal depth. If the " Bolt diameter " entered in Bolt Settings is larger, connection design uses that diameter as the minimum. Connection design always attempts to use the minimum first. If the shear load necessitates a stronger connection with larger diameter bolts, connection design may increase the bolt diameter.
Number of Rows: The minimum number of bolt rows ( 1 to 100 ) that connection design creates for the attaching of the clip angle , bent plate , end plate , moment shear plate or beam-to-beam splice plate to the beam with the particular " Nominal Depth " specified on this row on the schedule.
![]() |
Number of rows = ' 3 '. |
Effect on connection design: The number of rows entered here is the minimum number that connection design applies to the connection. If the beam's shear load necessitates a stronger connection with more rows of bolts than are specified here, connection design may increase the number of rows of bolts.
Top of Steel to First Hole: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the top flange of the beam to the center of the hole.
![]() |
t = top of steel to first hole. |
Effect on connection design: This applies to connections that bolt to the beam's web (including shear tab connections). The distance entered here is the minimum that connection design applies for the ends of beams with the " Nominal Depth " that is listed. In cases where a larger top-of-steel-to-first-hole distance is needed, connection design increases this distance by 1/4 inch increments until it is able to design a connection that works.
Also see: " Bolt spacings " (sets spacing after the first hole).
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To edit the Schedule of Minimums for Structural Members :
To add a new line to the schedule, click in the first blank cell under the " Nominal Depth " column so that a cursor appears in the cell. Type in the nominal depth, then press Tab to go to the next cell (the " Bolt Diameter " column). Make appropriate entries for each column until you come to the end of the line. At this point you have added a new line to the schedule.
To erase an entry, double-click to highlight the previous entry, then press the Backspace key.
To edit an entry, double-click to select the current entry, press the Backspace key, then type in your new entry.
Ways to move from cell to cell:
Tab moves the text insertion bar (cursor) forward one cell.
Shift+Tab moves you back one cell on the table.
up arrow key moves you up one cell on the table.
down arrow key moves you down one cell on the table.
For more information, see text entry widgets .
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To close the Schedule of Minimums for Structural Members :
"OK" (or the Enter key) closes the Schedule of Minimums and saves the settings on it to the Job Settings file in your current Job .
Note: If you have made changes to this window after having added members to the 3D model, you should interactively mark for processing (or Process Selected ) all members in your current Job, then Process and Create Solids in order to ensure design consistency throughout the Job.
"Cancel" (or the Esc key or the button) closes this window without saving any changes made to it.
"Reset" undoes all changes made to this window since you first opened it. The window remains open.
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