The HSS / TS Production Standards window ( Job Settings )

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To open the HSS / TS Production Standards window :

Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > HSS / TS Production Standards .

Methods 2, 3 & 4 : In Modeling or the Drawing Editor , choose Settings > Job Settings > HSS / TS Production Standards (classic), or use a keyboard shortcut , or click the icon.

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Columns on the HSS / TS Production Standards window :

Line number: For your reference only .

These line numbers are not referenced internally. The line numbers are provided for your reference. They are not indexes. When an SDS2 program references the entries made to this window, it does so on the basis of the "string" you have entered as the " Production Standard ." The line number that "string" is on is irrelevant.

Production Standard: The name of the production standard.

This partial screen shot shows some of the " Structural Properties " in Shapes Properties for an HSS 8 x 6 x 1/2 section. To create this example, a " Production Standard " named ' BOGUS 50 ' was created. Then ' BOGUS 50 ' was selected as the " Production Standard " for one steel grade on the HHS / TS Grades window. in Shapes Properties , the " Structural Properties " of a HSS 8 x 6 x 1/2 section were reviewed. Click here for a more complete screen shot and a more complete explanation.

The " Production Standard " names from this window populate the list boxes in the " Production Standard " column at Home > Project Settings > Job > Pipe Grades and Home > Project Settings > Job > HHS / TS Grades .

A " Production Standard " name may also appear in the " Structural Properties " in Shapes Properties for HSS round (or PIPE) sections or HSS rectangular (or TS) sections. Click here for an for HSS round example. Click here for an HSS rectangular example.

When a steel grade from either the Pipe Grades or the HHS / TS Grades setup window is applied to a particular HSS round or HSS rectangular section, connection design references the " Production Standard " that has been assigned to that steel grade and, where appropriate, uses in its calculations the " Structural Properties " that are stored in the local shape file .

If there are no tabulated " Structural Properties " stored in the local shape file , connection design uses the " Design Thickness Ratio " (below) to calculate a specific section property that it requires.

Design Thickness Ratio: A positive decimal number less than or equal to 1 (no units). For example, a number such as 1 or 0.93 . As the following example shows, changing the " Design Thickness Ratio " may change the " Formula " values reported for a HSS round or HSS rectangular section in a shape file.

Both of these examples are for a HSS 9.625 x 0.500 . Since a " Production Standard " called ' ASTM A1088 ' was applied to a steel grade on the Pipe Grades window, values in the " Formula " column are calculated using the " Design Thickness Ratio " that is specified. The left column specifies a ratio of 1 . The right column specifies a ratio of 0.75 .

Note in the above examples that the tabulated values (in the white column) did not change when the " Design Thickness Ratio " was changed.

Connection design for the HSS 9.625 x 0.500 section in the above example would not have been affected by the change of the " Design Thickness Ratio " since the tabulated values did not change. When tabulated values exist, those are the values that connection design uses. If there were no tabulated values, connection design would use the calculated " Formula " values.

It summary, changing the " Design Thickness Ratio " may cause the " Formula " values to be recalculated for a HSS round or HSS rectangular section in a shape file. In order for the " Formula " values to recalculate due to a " Design Thickness Ratio " change, the appropriate " Production Standard " needs to have been applied to a steel grade on the Pipe Grades or HHS / TS Grades window.

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Default settings by design code :

When ' ASD14 ' or ' LRFD 14 ' was selected as the " Design method " at project creation:

Tip: To get the " Design Thickness " to equal the " Wall thickness " for a particular HSS rectangular (or HSS round ) section size, just select ' ASTM 1085 ' as the steel grade. This tip, of course, assumes that you use the defaults..

The defaults for the HSS / TS Production Standards window are as shown here.
The defaults for the HHS / TS Grades window are shown here. Similar defaults appear on the Pipe Grades window.

To create a new project that has the HSS / TS Production Standards window filled out, by default, with AISC Steel Construction Manual, Fourteenth Edition production standards, Home > " Change Active Job " > " New ... ," then select ' ASD14 ' or ' LRFD14 ' as the " Design method ," while leaving other settings on the Create New Project window at their defaults. The HSS / TS Production Standards window (this window), the Pipe Grades window, and the Steel Grade - HSS/TS window will all be filled out with appropriate default settings (like those shown above). The local shape file will be populated with pertinent " Structural Properties " information for production standards such as ASTM A1085.

When ' CSA10 ' was selected as the " Design method " at project creation:

Tip: To get the " Design Thickness " to equal the " Wall thickness " for a particular HSS rectangular (or HSS round ) section size, just select ' 350W-C ' or ' 350W-H ' as the steel grade. This tip, of course, assumes that you use the defaults..

The defaults for the HSS / TS Production Standards window are as shown here.
The defaults for the HHS / TS Grades window are shown here. Similar defaults appear on the Pipe Grades window.

To create a new project that has the HSS / TS Production Standards window filled out, by default, with CISC Handbook of Steel Construction, Tenth Edition production standards, Home > " Change Active Job " > " New ... ," then select ' CSA10 ' as the " Design method ," while leaving other settings on the Create New Project window at their defaults. The HSS / TS Production Standards window (this window), the Pipe Grades window, and the Steel Grade - HSS/TS window will all be filled out with appropriate default settings (like those shown above). The local shape file will be populated with pertinent " Structural Properties " information for production standards such as CSA G40.20.

When any other " Design Method " was selected at project creation:

The HSS / TS Production Standards window will not be filled out with any information.
The default grades that appear on the HHS / TS Grades window will not have a production standard applied to them. Same for the Pipe Grades window.

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To close the HSS / TS Production Standards window :


"OK" (or the Enter key) closes the window and saves the settings on it to the Job Settings file in your current Job .

"Cancel" (or the Esc key or the button) closes the window without saving any changes.

"Reset" undoes all changes made to this window since you first opened it. The window remains open.

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