SDS2 Drafting v2022 Help (January 2022)
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About this program
The SDS2 Drafting station gives users the full functionality of the SDS2 Drawing Editor along with the ability to auto detail members, submaterials and erection views. Modeling can be used to review member and material settings, but cannot be used to alter those settings. You can output information from SDS2 Drafting using Home > Export options for exporting files or plotting sheets or printing reports .
Tips for using SDS2 Help
Tip 1: Context-sensitive help is a part of this program. Click the button at the bottom right of almost any window in a SDS2 program. The precise portion of Help that discusses the window you are on will open in a browser.
Tip 2: Words and phrases directly transcribed from the SDS2 program itself are indicated using italics. Double quotes identify the names of options, among other things. Items in single quotes always indicate settings.