The Crane Limits and Appearance window ( enabled , not read-only)

To open this window :

Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Crane Limits and Appearance .

Method 2, 3 & 4 : In Modeling or the Drawing Editor , choose Settings > Fabricator Settings > Crane Limits and Appearance . (classic), or use a keyboard shortcut , or click the icon.

Also see :

  • Capacity limit (uses as a default the " Lift capacity limit " set on this window)

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Lift capacity limit: The percentage that is the default " Capacity limit " for a crane that is newly added using Add Crawler Crane or Add Tower Crane .

Example: You enter 90% as the " Lift capacity limit " here, on the Crane Setup window. You then Add Crawler Crane and, on the Crane Placement window, press the " Lift Config " button. On the Lift Configuration window for the new crawler crane, you will find that the " Capacity limit " is 90%. You can change that " Capacity limit " if you so choose.

Working area diagram radius: The radius of the working area shown on a crane placement's working area diagram. A working area is a configuration of a truck or crawler crane's lower works that determines its quadrants of operation. A working area diagram shows these quadrants extended to the radius that you choose.

' 35 '
' 45 '
A working area diagram radius is measured from the center of a crane placement.

Note 1: Some working areas consist of a single 360 degree quadrant. Such diagrams are visible only when " Show diagram for 360 degree rotation working areas " is checked ( ).

Note 2: When the project's primary dimension " Units " are imperial (that is, set to ' Imperial (ft-in)' or ' Imperial (inches-sixteenths)' or etc.), this radius is expressed in feet. When the primary dimension " Units " are set to ' Metric ', this radius is expressed in meters. In either case, the radius is always expressed as a whole or decimal number.

Note 3: A truck crane's quadrants are defined under " Working Areas " on the Truck Crane Specification window. A crawler crane's quadrants are defined under " Working Areas " on the Crawler Crane Specification window. " Working Area " on the Lift Configuration window lets you define the quadrant of operation that is to be used for a particular lift. Working areas are not configured for tower cranes; consequently, working area diagrams are never shown for their placements.

Show diagram for 360 degree rotation working areas: or . This applies to truck or crawler crane placements with a single 360 degree quadrant.

"Show diagram" has no effect on placements of cranes that have two or more quadrants in their working areas.

If this box is checked ( ), a working area diagram is shown under all truck and crawler crane placements visible in your Modeling view.

If the box is not checked ( ), no working area diagram is shown for placements of cranes that that have a single 360 degree quadrant.

Liftable shell opacity: Any level from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque). The liftable shell is the dome that is displayed when you left-click a crane in your Modeling view.

the slider sets the level

' 0 '
' 100 '
The "dome" around the crane placement represents the reach of the crane's boom. The center cylinder is the no-lift zone around the crane. The alternating dark and light bands are each 10 ft in width.

Working area opacity: Any level from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque). This applies to working area diagrams shown for truck and crawler crane placements.

the slider sets the level

' 0 '
' 100 '
When a working area is opaque, member main and member connection material cannot be seen through it.

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