Dimension Clearance ( Modeling )
Tool summary :
Also see :
- Add Model Dimensions (another tool that adds dimensions to the model)
- Dimension Members (also adds dimensions to the model)
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Add a clearance dimension (step-by-step instructions) :
Before adding the clearance dimension: You should be in Modeling . In Display Options , the display of " Model dimensions " should be turned on. The icon shown above needs to have been added to your toolbar. Since you will need to select materials, members need to be displayed in a solid form .
Preselection method: 1) Set the selection filter to ' Material '. 2) Use Select then Select+ to select two material. 3) Click the icon.
In-tool selection method: 1) Click the icon. 2) Select the members. 3) Press the Enter key. This is the method that is used in the video shown above.
To remove the dimension that Dimension Clearance draws, you can choose Model > Dimension > Erase All (deletes all at once), or you can select specific dimensions while the ' Model Dimensions ' filter is active, then hit the Delete key. Be aware that you can also Save and Load dimensions.
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