Wide flange material (topic)
Shape file specifications:
d = depth
tf = flange thickness k1 = k1 distance tw = web thickness k = k distance g = flange gage bf = flange width |
Other shape file specifications: " Nominal Depth ," " Weight per Unit " (lbs/ft or kg/m), " Structural Properties ," " k distance (design) ," " Flange Bevel ," " Seismic Access Hole ."
Additional settings that are not in the local shape file are defined on the Rolled Section Material window. In Site Planning, these additional settings, as well as the shape file specifications, are read-only.
General description: Wide flange material is rolled steel with a cross section that is "I" shaped. It has two flanges joined together at their center by a thinner web. They are available in depths from 6" to 36", with varying flange widths.Wide flange material is sometimes referred to as a "W section" or as "W shape."
Section size naming convention USA: W+nominal_depth+x+nominal_weight/length . For example, W12x50 designates a wide flange section with 12" depth (top of top flange to bottom of bottom flange) and that weighs 50 lbs/ft. A wide flange section can be added to a shape file (in a full-featured SDS2 program , not in Site Planning) using an entirely different naming convention. For example, users of a full-featured SDS2 program can add HP o M sections as wide flange material. Also, a different naming convention is used in different SDS2 markets The eurocode naming covention is nominal_depth+x+approximate_flange_width+nominal_weight/length , such that a 533x210x92UB designates a section that is 533 mm deep, that has an approximate flange width of 210 mm, and that weighs approximately 92 kilograms/meter.
In Modeling or the Drawing Editor : A wide flange section must exist in the local shape file before the user of a full-featured SDS2 program can enter it as a " Section size " to a member or material window in Modeling , or before its weight will be automatically calculated when the user enters it to the " Description " field in the bill editor.
Submaterial piecemarking: The default material mark prefix for wide flange material is w .
Available steel grades for wide flange material are defined at Home > Project Settings > Job > Wide Flange Grades .
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