Python and Parametrics: Questions & Answers
Q. What is Python?
A . Python is the name of the programming language used to create parametrics in SDS2 programs. Python is also used for SDS2 custom members and other plugins. New features are often introduced to SDS2 programs using Python coding, then converted to C++ when the new feature proves its utility.
A . A parametric is a Python script that can be Run in Modeling to read in information about members or materials or holes or bolts or welds that already reside in the model. A parametric can also be used to set custom properties . You can create such a Python script using a text editor and save the script as a plain text file with a .py extension. In Site Planning, you cannot Run a parametric that adds materials or modifies materials. Custom members and custom components are parametrically generated.
Q . What is parametrics?
A . Parametrics is the name of the application programming interface (API) used to create Python scripts called parametrics. Since parametrics is a Python-based API, it is made up of modules.
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