The Add/Edit Schema Entry
Options :
New Schema Entry opens when you press " Add " on the Edit Schema window. The " Next " button opens Add/Edit Schema Entry . The new schema entry will be placed in the " User Namespace ."
Add/Edit Schema Entry : " Entry name " and " Type " are read-only.
" Add to member detail " and " Use to split piecemarks " and " Add to Erection View Member Labels " can apply to a member schema entry only. " Add to BOM " can apply to either a member schema entry or a material schema entry. Three of these four options are disabled ( grayed out ) for a plugin schema entry .
These options are a part of the Add/Edit Schema Entry window only if you are adding or editing a member schema entry. They are available when "
Add to member detail " is checked.
To add or edit a member schema entry: In the " Home > Project Settings > Job " tab of Setup , click " Member ' to open the Edit Schema window, then press the " Add " button or select a schema entry then press the " Details ... " button.
To open this window :
- Press the " Add " button on the Edit Schema window.
- Press the " Details .... " button on the Edit Schema window.
- Adding a custom-property label to a member detail
Also see :
- Edit Schema (window that this window opens from)
- Edit Properties (window in Modeling that a schema entry propagates to)
- Delete (to delete a schema entry)
contents | setup | edit schema | top
Adding a custom-property label to a member detail :
In Site Planning, you can set up a schema entry that will, in a full-featured SDS2 program propagate information to a label on a member detail These instructions apply regardless of the " Flavor " that you selected when you created your current Project. Be aware that if your current Project, at creation time, was set to use a legacy flavor , you need to make changes to the custom/ file as described in Note 2 of step 5. Also be aware that steps 6 must be done by first changing to your current Job in a full-featured SDS2 program .
1 . Home > Project Settings > Job > Custom Properties > Member Properties .
2 . On the Edit Schema window, press the " Add " button.
3 . The New Schema Entry window opens.
3a : Type an " Entry name " and choose a " Type ." For most applications, ' String ' is probably the " Type " you want to use. Press the " Next " button to open the Add/Edit Schema Entry window. .
3b : On the Add/Edit Schema Entry window, enter a " Prompt ." Generally speaking, you will want to keep the " Default value " blank. Check the box for "
Add to member detail " Make sure that you also specify the " Placement relative to main material " and/or the " Placement relative to member callout " -- if you don't, you won't get a label.
3c : Press " OK " to close the Add/Edit Schema Entry window and go to step 4.
4 . The schema entry you added should now be listed on the Edit Schema window. Press " OK " to close that window.
5 . In a full-featured SDS2 program , on the Edit Properties window for a particular member that you want the custom-property label to appear on, make an entry to the field that is generated as a result of the schema entry you just made. Be aware that, if all members under a piecemark do not have the same custom property, the custom-property label will list each member number under that piecemark along with its assigned custom property.
Note 1: If the " Default value " you entered was something other than a null value (such as a blank space for a string entry), then you don't have to open the Edit Properties window. The default value will correlate to the text of the custom-property label at the time you auto detail (step 6).
Note 2: If, when creating your current Job, you selected a legacy flavor , a Python file named is installed in the custom folder of that Job, and you will have to modify that file before you can use the Custom Properties window to change the custom property assigned to a particular member for the schema entry you just added. To make new schema entries appear as editable custom property fields on the member Custom Properties window, you need to change the custom/ file.
Note: Step 6 must be done in a full-featured SDS2 program .
6 . In a full-featured SDS2 program that has been changed to your current Job, Detail Members to generate the custom-property label. For a ' String ' ' Number ' ' Dimension ' or ' Date ' value type, the label text will match the text entered on the Edit Properties window. For a ' Boolean ' value type, no text is entered to the Edit Properties window, and the label text will be the " Entry name " (if the custom property field is checked on the Edit Properties window).
Note 1: No custom-property label is generated if all of the entries for a custom property assigned to all members under the detailed piecemark are null values. This is desirable, since it prevents the detail from being cluttered with meaningless labels.
Note 2: If members under the same mark have different properties, the custom-property label itemizes the member numbers [in brackets] of the members which have been assigned the different properties.
different properties, same piecemark
For the example above, the member numbers [11] and [12] had OK entered as the string , while the equivalent field for member numbers [32] and [33] was left blank.
contents | setup | edit schema | top
Options :
Entry name: The name of this schema entry. This name is listed in the " Variable " column on the Edit Schema window. Do not use spaces or special characters (!@#$%^&*+,) in the entry name. Also, do not begin the entry name with a number. The " Name " must be entered on the New Schema Entry window. " Entry name " is read-only on Add/Edit Schema Entry window.
Type: String or Number or Boolean or Dimension or Date . This option is enabled on the New Schema Entry window. It is read-only on Add/Edit Schema Entry window. Be aware that, if you are adding a new schema entry, where xxx = member or material or hole or bolt or weld , if the schema entry you are adding is part of the xxx schema, then all xxx entities in your current 3D model will be affected. For example, when you press " OK " at the bottom of the Add/Edit Schema Entry window, if you are adding a new member schema entry, a new custom property entry field of the type that is entered here will added to the version of the Edit Properties window that can be accessed by any and all members in your current Job.
Prompt: The label you want to give the custom property entry field that this schema entry puts on the Edit Properties window (in Modeling ). If you leave " Prompt " blank, the custom property field will be given the " Entry name ". Unlike the " Entry name ," you can use spaces or special characters in the " Prompt " string.
Note: The " Prompt " option is not available on this window if you are editing/reviewing a schema entry from a set of plugin schema entries . It is available -- and editable -- if you are adding or editing a " User Namespace " schema entry.
Default value: The default entry that you want to be made to the custom property entry field that you are creating for the Edit Properties window in Modeling . The entry you make here is validated based on the field's " Type ," which means, for example, that the program does not let you enter letters if the " Type " is set to ' Dimension '.
Tips: For the " Type " ' String ' it is usually best to leave the " Default value " blank. The same is true for a ' Number ' or ' Dimension '. For a ' Boolean ', best practice is to leave the default to not checked (
Multiline: or
. This applies when the " Type " of schema entry you are adding/editing is ' String '. The option is disabled ( grayed out ) for any other " Type " of schema entry.
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These screen shots were taken from the MEMBER Edit Properties window. ' SDS2Detailer ' is the plugin that was selected in Activate Custom Properties ( Home > Project Settings > Job ). The ' SDS2Detailer ' plugin is also featured in this tutorial . |
If this box is checked (
), the entry field takes up much more space on the Edit Properties window, making it easier for you to read lengthy text entries. Furthermore, the text can be formatted using line returns, which can be entered using the Enter key.
If the box is not checked (
), the entry field on the Edit Properties window takes up a single line, but it still permits the entry of more than a thousand text characters.
Export to IFC: or
. This applies to member schema or material schema or job schema . It sets which custom properties will be exported to an IFC file created using Export Model .
Assuming that the Export Model option to " Export custom properties " is turned on at IFC export time :
If this box is checked (
), the custom properties for the job or member or material custom property schema you are currently adding will be included in IFC files subsequently exported from your current Job using Export Model . For a member schema, this means that each member that is exported will have its custom property for this schema recorded to the IFC file. For a material schema, it means that each material exported in the IFC file will have its associated custom property recorded.
If the box is not checked (
), IFC files subsequently exported from your current Job will not include custom property information associated with this schema.
Applications: Tekla BimSight, Navisworks and various other programs have the capability to read metadata such as SDS2 custom properties from IFC files.
Use to split piecemarks: or
. This applies to member schema entries only and is invisible (not available) for entries to material schema, job schema and other schemas. If is disabled ( grayed out ) if a " Model complete date " has been set for any member in your current Job , It is also disabled if any member in your current Job has a frozen piecemark or if you are editing/reviewing a schema entry from a set of plugin schema entries .
Warning: In Site Planning, a member custom property whose schema entry is set to " ![]() |
You should use this option in Site Planning only if a full-featured SDS2 program has access to your current Job. A user in a full-featured SDS2 program can edit a custom property entry field that splits piecemarks.
Add to BOM: or
. This option is available (not invisible or disabled) if you are editing or adding a member schema entry or a material schema entry that is in the " User Namespace " set of schema entries.
In Site Planning, you can add custom properties that will update a member bill of material when that member is auto detailed in a full-featured SDS2 program. Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
You should use this option in Site Planning only if a full-featured SDS2 program has access to your current Job. A user in a full-featured SDS2 program can auto detail members.
Add to Erection View Member Labels: or
. This option is visible if you are editing or adding a member schema entry .
Warning: In Site Planning, a member custom property whose schema entry is set to " ![]() |
You should use this option in Site Planning only if a full-featured SDS2 program has access to your current Job. A user in a full-featured SDS2 program can edit a custom property entry field that adds to Erection View Member Labels .
Add to member detail: or
. This option is available (not invisible or disabled) if you are editing or adding a member schema entry that is in the " User Namespace " set of schema entries.
In Site Planning, you can add custom properties that will update a member detail when that member is auto detailed in a full-featured SDS2 program. Click here to go to the SDS2 Detailing manual and learn more about this option. |
You should use this option in Site Planning only if a full-featured SDS2 program has access to your current Job. A user in a full-featured SDS2 program can auto detail members.
Font: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Font style: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Placement relative to main material: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Placement relative to member callout: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Distance from selected location: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Origin: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Justification : This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Character height: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Character width/height ratio: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Pen color: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Breaks lines: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Rotation (degrees): This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Border type: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Border color: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Border gap: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Layer: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
Order: This applies when " Add to member detail " is checked.
Click here for more information about this option from the SDS2 Detailing manual. |
"OK" (or the Enter key) closes the Add/Edit Schema Entry window and saves the schema entry defined on this window to the appropriate type of the schema ( job schema or member schema or material schema or hole schema or bolt schema or weld schema ).
For a modular flavor: The schema entry you have added (or edited) will create (or modify) a field on the Edit Properties window for all items of the schema type ( job or member or material or hole or bolt or weld ).
For a legacy flavor: Newly added schema entries will not show up on the Custom Properties window if the custom property entry fields for that window are generated with a special Python script. To fix this, you need to make adjustments to the Python script. This can happen for Job and member custom properties.. Click here or here for more information.
Note: The type of flavor (modular or legacy) that is used in a Job is established when the " Flavor " is selected at Job-creation time. Once a Job has been created, you cannot change the type of " Flavor " that is used.
Regardless of flavor: The type of schema entry ( job or member or material or etc.) that is added or edited is determined by how you opened the Schema Edit window (from which you opened this window).
"Cancel" closes this window without adding or editing a new schema entry to the schema (job schema or member schema or etc.).
contents | setup | edit schema | top