A top and/or bottom haunch for a eurocode moment end plate connection can be designed per " Top/Bottom Moment Haunch Stiffener " locks.
" Top/Bottom Moment Haunch Stiffener "
(for moment end plates)

Availability :
with connection design locks for the top and bottom flange. However, the bottom flange locks will be populated with null values (e.g., distances of zero) and only the top haunch will, at least initially, be designed. leaf ', you will get a Top is set to '" Haunch location "If, for example,
user defined | beam review
Connection design locks :
Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).
Top/Bottom Moment Haunch Stiffener
Material ( not depicted ):
Length on beam face ( length on beam ):
Length on column face ( length on column ):
Stiffener web welds
Weld to beam ( web to bm ):
Weld to end plate ( web to endpl ):
Stiffener flange welds
Weld to beam ( flg to bm ):
Weld to end plate ( flg to endpl ):
user defined | beam review